Call for Presentations Now Open!
Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2024
You are invited to apply to present at the EMDRIA Virtual Conference 2024.
The conference will be a virtual event only, with the live streaming to take place during two consecutive weekends – September 14/15 and September 21/22.
All presentations for the EMDRIA Virtual Conference 2024 will be pre-recorded sessions that will be live streamed, with live video Q&A at the end of the presentation. Registered attendees will have access to the recordings until December 21, 2024.
The material submitted should be relevant to the EMDR field and be an original contribution. Share your best practices and new techniques with other therapists in the industry, helping them to understand the new research and clinical practices in EMDR and how to help treat all types of traumas.
Members and non-members of EMDRIA are invited to apply.
Speaker Commitment
All conference presentations will be pre-recorded by the presenter(s) and be submitted to EMDRIA by a deadline to be established once selections are made. The showing of the 90-minute or 3-hour presentation will be scheduled at a designated day/time on any one of the following days between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. CT.
- Saturday, September 14
- Sunday, September 15
- Saturday, September 21
- Sunday, September 22
Presenters will be required to participate online via chat during the showing of their presentation and participate in live video for the Q&A portion at the end of their session.
Presentation Type Descriptions
Descriptions of the presentation types are listed below. Choose the ONE that best fits your presentation.
(This application is inclusive of presentations that integrate EMDR with other modalities.)
This presentation is consistent with the EMDRIA Definition of EMDR, including the AIP model on which EMDR is based. This type of proposal could also include presentations that use integrations of EMDR with other modalities. Click here to review the EMDRIA Definition of EMDR. Standard programs may be 90 minutes or 3 hours in length.
This presentation includes modifications to the standard EMDRIA Definition of EMDR and shows promise for improving outcomes, understanding of the model, or of the underlying mechanism. For the purposes of the EMDRIA Conference, an Innovative presentation is considered an alternative procedure, protocol, or explanation other than the EMDR standard protocol, method, and model. The innovation seeks to expand, strengthen, and/or explain the already successful EMDR standard protocol, the underlying mechanism of action, the AIP model, and/or the 8 phases and 3 prongs of the protocol methodology. Click here to review the Innovative Guidelines for first-time and/or subsequent Innovative submissions.
Research Paper (oral)
The research paper session will be held in symposium format with 10 to 30 minutes per presentation within a 90-minute workshop session. (Maximum amount of time allowed per Research Paper is 30 minutes.)
Sample Applications
Before starting the online process for any of the application categories above, please review the “snapshot” view of SAMPLE applications below. We’ve included these to help you prepare your responses and the items you’ll need to have ready to upload into the system.
Saving Your Work
The abstract submission software enables you to save your work as you go. So, if you are not able to complete your submission in one sitting, please save your work.
Submitting More than One Application
To submit in the same category (STANDARD, INNOVATIVE, RESEARCH PAPER): If you are planning to submit more than one application within the same application category, you may do so within the same account. When you’re ready to make your second submission, just click on the link for the submission below. Once you log in, you’ll have the option to either Edit your original application or click Start New to create a subsequent one.
To submit in a different category: If you are planning to submit more than one application but in a different application category, then you’ll need to create a second account for the other category of presentation – following the instructions below.
Submission Instructions
1) Please click on the link below for the appropriate category of application, based on the presentation you are submitting:
2) In the window that comes up – under New User - create a Username and Password for yourself and enter your email address. (Please be sure to keep track of your username and password, so that you can return to your account/submission at any time.)
3) Click the Submit button.
4) Now you’re ready to begin your submission. Please be sure to review the Introduction Section carefully.
5) Follow the prompts and complete all the required fields. If you need to exit the form before completing your submission, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the form and click on Save Progress.
6) Once you have completed the submission form in its entirety, click Submit Completed Form. *If required fields are missing data, you will see a red box at the top of the page that says, “Please review the form and correct the highlighted items.” The corresponding fields will be highlighted in red noting, “Response required.”
If you have any questions, please email us at for assistance.
Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2024