Healing the Mind: Exploring EMDR Therapy for Young Adults
This episode focuses on how EMDR therapy can help young adults navigate the complexities of mental health, such as anxiety and depression.
Read MoreDuration of effect in treatment of methotrexate intolerance in juvenile idiopathic arthritis using eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) can be improved by Bi-lateral Alternating Stimulation Tactile (BLAST) wristbands (Pediatric Rheumatology)
The aim of this study was to determine if utilization of BLAST wristbands could improve and prolong the effect of EMDR on patients with MTX intolerance.
Read MoreUnderstanding Substance Use in Teens and How EMDR Therapy Can Support Recovery
Substance Use Prevention Month prompted us to ask EMDRIA member Viviana Triana to discuss adolescents, substance use, and EMDR therapy.
Read MoreEMDR-Teens-cPTSD: Efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing in adolescents with complex PTSD secondary to childhood abuse: A case series (Healthcare)
This case series investigated the efficacy of EMDR therapy on complex post-traumatic symptoms and associated psychiatric disorders in adolescents with a history of abuse.
Read MoreNegative flashforward imagery in adolescent social anxiety disorder: A pilot study of imagery reports and a short EMDR intervention (Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy)
This pilot study examined negative ‘flashforward’ imagery of feared catastrophic outcomes in adolescents with social anxiety disorder and evaluated the feasibility and preliminary outcomes of a short EMDR intervention targeting this imagery.
Read MoreImplementing the sleeping dogs method in engaging young people in residential care in EMDR (Australian Social Work)
This article examines the implementation of a treatment package of the Sleeping Dogs method plus EMDR to engage young people living in residential care in EMDR therapy to process their complex trauma.
Read MoreAdding eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy to a workforce wellbeing model (Australian Social Work)
This study included EMDR in a workforce well-being model to explore changes in children in young people living in out-of-home care facilities. Reductions in behavior incidents are identified, and implications are discussed.
Read MoreEfektivitas terapi EMDR dalam mengatasi gangguan stress pasca trauma (PTSD) pada kalangan remaja (Proceeding Conference on Psychology and Behavioral Sciences)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau literatur tentang efektivitas EMDR dalam mengatasi PTSD pada kalangan remaja. (This study aims to review the literature on the effectiveness of EMDR in overcoming PTSD in adolescents.)
Read MoreDistinct saliva DNA methylation profiles in relation to treatment outcome in youth with posttraumatic stress disorder (Translational Psychiatry)
This study investigated the link between epigenetic mechanisms like the DNA methylation genes and previously associated biological mechanisms with treatment outcome.
Read MoreEMDR and standard psychotherapy for paediatric cancer patients and their families: A pilot study (Frontiers in Psychology)
This article compares EMDR with standard psychotherapy for PTSD in pediatric oncology patients early in cancer treatment.
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