Prior to beginning any consultation process, we expect both parties to discuss and verify the purpose of the consultation hours and enter into a written contractual agreement for consultation services.  The EMDRIA™ Consultation Packet includes an example contract and other materials to help you get started.

EMDR Consultant ™/EMDR Consultant in Training ™ FAQ

EMDR Consultant In Training Declaration Form

Ready to take the next step? Complete the EMDR Consultant in Training form and one of our staff will be in touch with you.

EMDR Consultant In Training Search

Use our directory to find an EMDR Consultant In Training (CIT). Please note that only EMDR Consultants-in-Training who are current EMDRIA™ members will appear in the search results.

Consultation Packet

Download the EMDRIA™ Consultation Packet to review the information sed to establish clear expectations of the consultation process between consultants and consultees.