In the News
The New York Times article “PTSD Has Surged Among College Students” discusses the increase in PTSD diagnoses, mentioning EMDR therapy (referred to as E.M.D.R. in this article) as “highly effective against PTSD.”
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is discussed in The Columbus Dispatch article “ADAMH, Syntero Bring Awareness To PTSD And Where To Find Help.” In the article, the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board of Franklin County (ADAMH) and Syntero, a nonprofit organization bring awareness to PTSD stating “the most common treatment for the disorder is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. This psychotherapy treatment is designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories.”
EMDR therapy is recommended as first-line treatment for PTSD in Health article “How to Treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).”
Triple Threat Vets Podcast video clip “EMDR A Life Changing Therapy for Veterans and First Responders” shares a powerful first-hand experience of EMDR therapy success.
EMDR therapy helps author Maria Cassano on her healing journey in Your Tango article “Good Girl Syndrome Gave Me a Dissociative Disorder.”
In Behavioral Health Business news article “Why Acadia Healthcare is Expanding Eating Disorder Treatment as Competitors Scale Back,” EMDR therapy is mentioned as an additional focus for eating disorder residential treatment because “Eating disorder patients often have trauma in their backgrounds.”
Contemporary OB/GYN article “Psychological therapies found effective against childbirth-related PTSD” reviews recent research article “Preventing posttraumatic stress disorder following childbirth: A systematic review and meta-analysis” in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. The review included EMDR therapy as a trauma-focused therapy treatment option for childbirth-related PTSD.
EMDR therapy helped Cara overcome her psychosis and improve her mental health as related by Cara in Newswires EIN article “I finally have my spark back” – Cara’s Story.”
Defense Visual Information Distribution Services article “Commentary: Understanding PTSD, Getting Effective Treatment” highlights EMDR therapy as an effective treatment for PTSD.
A program in Virginia, Helping Addicts Recovery Progressively Program (HARP) has been receiving credit for its recovery rate success and enthusiasm from participants. The program includes EMDR therapy if needed as article “How A Chesterfield Recovery Program has Changed the Lives of its Participants” cites.
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Additional Resources
If you are a therapist interested in the EMDR training:
- Learn more about EMDR at the EMDRIA Library
- Learn more about EMDR Training
- Search for an EMDR Training Provider
- Check out our EMDR Training FAQ
If you are EMDR trained:
- Check out EMDRIA’s Let’s Talk EMDR Podcast
- Check out the EMDRIA blog, Focal Point
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- Search for Continuing Education opportunities
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June 28, 2024