How to Set a Firm Foundation for EMDR Therapy Reprocessing
EMDRIA member Kathleen Martin discusses best practices for entering EMDR therapy reprocessing phases.
Read MoreAdapting the 8 Phases: Considerations for Working with Clients at an Elevated Risk for Suicide
EMDRIA member Joshualin Dean discusses considerations for adapting EMDR therapy when working with clients at an elevated risk for suicide.
Read MoreIntegrating EMDR With Other Types of Therapies GWT Magazine™️ Issue
We invited several authors to write about “Integrating EMDR With Other Types of Therapies” in the Spring 2024 Go With That Magazine™️ issue.
Read MoreQué es la terapia EMDR?
Este video explica brevemente las 8 fases de la terapia EMDR para aquellos que estén buscando información acerca de esta terapia para…
Read MoreVídeo ocho fases de la terapia EMDR
Este vídeo revisa las 8 fases de la terapia EMDR y es una gran herramienta para los terapeutas EMDR que están empezando o que necesitan un repaso.
Read MoreEl ABC de la Terapia EMDR: Un Repaso del Protocolo Estándar
Esta capacitación es una excelente manera de refrescar los conceptos claves de la Terapia EMDR. Revisaremos las 8 fases, Sistema de Procesamiento de la Información a Estados Adaptativos (SPIA; AIP, por sus siglas en inglés) y el enfoque de tres puntas y su uso en la planificación del tratamiento.
Read MoreEMDR تھراپی کے 8 مراحل
تکلیف دہ واقعات کے علاج کے لیے EMDR تھراپی کے 8 مراحل دریافت کریں۔ مسئلے کی نوعیت اور علاج کے منصوبے سے دوبارہ تشخیص تک اور بہت کچھ۔
Read MoreWhat is EMDR Therapy?
What does EMDR therapy look like? This short video for clients explains the 8 Phases of EMDR Therapy and what they might experience in EMDR therapy sessions.
Read More8 Phases of EMDR Therapy Video
This video reviews the 8 Phases of EMDR therapy and is a great tool for EMDR therapists who are starting out or who need a refresher.
Read MoreThe Future of EMDR Therapy Project
Deany Laliotis discusses the framework of the paper “What Is EMDR Therapy? Past, Present, and Future Directions” published in the Journal of EMDR Research and Practice in January 2021.
Read MoreTime to Freshen up: A Review of the EMDR Standard Protocol
New to EMDR therapy? Feeling a little rusty after all of these years? Guilty of a little “EMDR drift?” Take this 8 phase refresher course.
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