Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) treatment in the medical setting: A systematic review (European Journal of Psychotraumatology)

This review evaluated the use and effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy in patients treated in the medical setting.

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EMDR in paediatric hospital setting: A case report of an adolescent with cancer (Frontiers in Psychology)

A case study with an adolescent cancer patient being treated with EMDR therapy for anxiety and general discomfort.

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Mixed-methods randomised study exploring the feasibility and acceptability of eye-movement desensitisation and reprocessing for improving the mental health of traumatised survivors of intensive care following hospital discharge: protocol (BMJ Open)

“This study assesses the feasibility and acceptability of using eye-movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) to improve the mental health of ICU survivors.”

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Understanding the EMDR-IGTP-OTS Provided Both In-Person and Online

To address the COVID-19 mental health challenge Dr. Jarero and his team adapted for remote (online) use and conducted research on the EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol (EMDR-IGTP) for Ongoing Traumatic Stress Remote (EMDR-IGTP-OTS-R).

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اثربخشی حساسیتزداییحرکت چشمباز پردازشدر کاهش اضطراب بیمارانکرونایی بستریشدهدر آیسییومازیار جلوه

انچکیدهزمینهو هدف:حساسیتزداییحرکت چشمباز پردازش(EMDR)یکی از روشهایمؤثر در کمک به کسانی است که از مشکلات ناشی از تجربههایآسیبزا،اضطراب، خاطرات ناخوشایند، اختلال استرس پس از ضربه، سوگ و انواع دیگری از مشکلات هیجانی رنج میبرند؛اینپژوهش باهدفبررسیاثربخشیحساسیتزداییحرکت چشمباز پردازشدر کاهش اضطراب بیمارانکروناییبستریشدهدر آی سی یوانجام شد.

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The effect of the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing intervention on anxiety and depression among patients undergoing hemodialysis: A randomized controlled trial (Perspectives in Psychiatric Care)

Nurses can use EMDR intervention in clinical practice with psychotropic drugs to reduce depression/anxiety in patients undergoing dialysis.

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Emergency room intervention to prevent post concussion-like symptoms and post-traumatic stress disorder. A pilot randomized controlled study of a brief eye movement desensitization and reprocessing intervention versus reassurance or usual care (Journal of Psychiatric Research)

The first randomized controlled trial that shows that a short EMDR intervention is feasible & potentially effective in the context of the ER.

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A Model of Clinical Intervention in the Maternity Ward: The Breastfeeding and Bonding EMDR Protocol (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)

This article suggests an intervention for breastfeeding difficulties to avoid perinatal crisis: the Breastfeeding and Bonding EMDR Protocol.

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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Sudeck’s Dystrophy: EMDR Reprocessing Therapy Applied to the Psychotherapeutic Strategy (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)

The application of EMDR in a case of uncontrolled pain during an adolescent’s hospitalization for complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).

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The Effect of Single-Session Modified EMDR on Acute Stress Syndromes (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)

A single abridged EMDR session was provided in a hospital inpatient/outpatient setting to patients suffering after terrorist bombing attacks.

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