Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing for childbirth-related post-traumatic stress symptoms: Effectiveness, duration and completion (Frontiers in Global Women’s Health)
This study assessed the effectiveness of EMDR on childbirth-related post-traumatic stress symptoms; investigated the effect of EMDR duration on symptom reduction; measured the EMDR completion rate; and explored sample characteristics associated with effectiveness.
Read MorePreliminary efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for children aged 1.5-8 years with PTSD: A multiple baseline experimental design (N=19) (European Journal of Psychotraumatology)
This study assessed the efficacy of EMDR therapy for improving PTSD symptoms, behavioral and emotional problems in young children aged 1.5–8 years, and parenting stress in their parents.
Read MoreEffectiveness of an intensive outpatient treatment programme combining prolonged exposure and EMDR therapy for adolescents and young adults with PTSD in a naturalistic setting (European Journal of Psychotraumatology)
This study assessed the results of a six-day intensive outpatient trauma-focused treatment programme for young individuals (12-25 years) with PTSD, utilizing EMDR therapy, prolonged exposure, social supports, and physical activity.
Read MorePost-traumatic stress disorder: Evolving conceptualization and evidence, and future research directions (World Psychiatry)
This paper reviews the evolving concepts of PTSD, complex PTSD, treatment strategies including EMDR therapy, and interventions across time-limited settings and cultural contexts.
Read MoreCriticality is associated with future psychotherapy response in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder – A pilot study (Chronic Stress)
This study assessed whether brain criticality (a factor in optimizing information processing) is related to future response to treatment including EMDR therapy, hypothesizing that treatment responders’ brains function closer to criticality.
Read MoreAcceptability and preliminary effects of intensive brief trauma-focused PTSD treatment for refugees (Torture: Journal on Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and Prevention of Torture)
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of an intensive brief trauma-focused PTSD treatment (ITT) program including EMDR therapy delivered to refugees at the Swedish Red Cross Treatment Center.
Read MoreThe effect of eye movement desensitization on neurocognitive functioning compared to retrieval-only in PTSD patients: A randomized controlled trial (BMC Psychiatry)
This study examined whether Eye Movement Desensitization (EMD) improves neurocognitive functioning in PTSD patients, in comparison with a retrieval-only control condition without EMs.
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