Free Videos of EMDR Sessions (Philip Manfield, Phd)
Free video examples of EMDR sessions by Philip Manfield of trauma processing including dyadic resourcing sessions and the flash technique.
Read MoreRandomized controlled trial investigating web-based, therapist delivered eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for adults with suicidal ideation (Frontiers in Psychiatry)
This study investigated the application of online EMDR therapy in the treatment of suicidal ideation.
Read MorePsychological treatment variant with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing: A case report (Malang Neurology Journal)
Atypical EMDR execution of reprocessing of events through positive experiences rather than the negative event of suicide attempt.
Read MoreWomen and PTSD: Using a trauma-informed approach to heal (Psychology Today)
A recent CDC study reveals a sharp rise in sexual violence and attempted suicide rates among teen girls. EMDR can help.
Read MoreShifting to trauma-informed care in inpatient psychiatry: A case study of an individual with dissociative PTSD undergoing EMDR therapy (Case Reports in Psychiatry)
This case study highlights how trauma-informed care (EMDR therapy) was offered to a patient with dissociative PTSD in an inpatient setting which led to improvement in treatment outcomes.
Read MoreEye movement desensitization and reprocessing as a therapy for rape victims: A case series (Clinical Case Reports)
EMDR was employed to reduce their risk of suicide or suicidal ideations in rape victims who were hospitalized with major depressive disorder.
Read MoreEarly trauma is associated with suicidal ideation in patients with panic disorder (The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease)
This study aimed to examine whether early trauma is associated with suicidal ideation in patients with panic disorder.
Read MoreWeb-based eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for adults with suicidal ideation: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial (JMIR Research Protocols)
Preliminary evidence suggests that EMDR can be used as an intervention in suicidal patients, including those with major depressive disorder.
Read MoreThe relationship between sexual assault, self-harm, and trauma (Psychology Today)
EMDR is the first-line psychotherapy approach for individuals who have experienced any form of trauma, including sexual trauma.
Read MoreHow to heal their psychological wounds? Effectiveness of EMDR therapy on post-traumatic stress symptoms, mind-wandering and suicidal ideation in Iranian child abuse victims (Counselling and Psychotherapy Research)
Studies have shown that child abuse as a traumatic event can lead to symptoms of PTSD, mind-wandering and suicidal ideation in adulthood.
Read MoreTaking care of our future doctors: A service evaluation of a medical student mental health service (BMC Medical Education)
Efficiency and effectiveness of mental health services for medical students experiencing high levels of mental distress and suicidality.
Read MoreUsing EMDR therapy with patients in an acute mental health crisis (BMC Psychiatry)
This study exams the efficacy of EMDR Therapy delivered to patients experiencing an acute mental health crisis to see if was a resulting decrease in their desire for suicide.
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