Case Consultation: Traumatized Pregnant Woman (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)
Case Consultation. Amy Robbins describes a challenging case in which a pregnant woman seeks treatment for trauma suffered in a tornado.
Read MoreThe EMDR integrative group treatment protocol: EMDR group treatment for early intervention following critical incidents (Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée)
An overview of the EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol (EMDR-IGTP) that has been used since 1998 with both children and adults.
Read MoreLe protocole EMDR pour les incidents critiques récents : application à un contexte de continuum de soins en santé mentale après une catastrophe (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)
Cette étude de terrain randomisée et contrôlée a été réalisée après un séisme de 7,2 en Basse-Californie au Mexique. Le traitement a été offert…
Read MoreThe EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents: Brief Report of an Application in a Human Massacre Situation (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)
One session of EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents (EMDR-PRECI) produced significant improvement on The Impact of Event Scale (IES).
Read MoreThe EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents: Application in a Disaster Mental Health Continuum of Care Context (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)
RCT group field study after a 7.2 earthquake in Mexico. Individuals were provided EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents (EMDR-PRECI).
Read MoreA randomised comparison of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in disaster-exposed children (European Journal of Psychotraumatology)
This article shows that both CBT and EMDR produced significant reductions in trauma-related symptoms, reached in fewer sessions with EMDR.
Read MoreEMDR for Childhood PTSD After Road Traffic Accidents: Attentional, Memory, and Attributional Processes (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)
EMDR was used with 11 children who developed posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after road traffic accidents. All improved such that none met criteria for PTSD on standardized assessments after an average of only 2.4 sessions.
Read MoreThe EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol: Application With Adults During Ongoing Geopolitical Crisis (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)
The Integrative Group Treatment Protocol (EMDR-IGTP) was applied during 3 consecutive days to a group of 20 adults during geopolitical crisis.
Read MoreEye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Scripted Protocols: Basics and Special Situations (Springer, 2009)
This book serves as a one-stop resource where therapists can access a wide range of word-for-word scripted protocols for EMDR practice.
Read MoreHelping child flood victims using group EMDR intervention in Argentina: Treatment outcome and gender differences (International Journal of Stress Management)
Children with disaster-related trauma during a flood in Argentina were treated with the EMDR-Integrative Group Treatment Protocol.
Read MorePsychophysiological Studies of EMDR (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)
This article describes research on the effects of eye movements during authentic EMDR sessions of chronic PTSD in refugees of war and torture.
Read MoreThe Effect of Single-Session Modified EMDR on Acute Stress Syndromes (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)
A single abridged EMDR session was provided in a hospital inpatient/outpatient setting to patients suffering after terrorist bombing attacks.
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