Course Description
Exploring sexual shame for clients suffering from an eating disorder can provide tremendous insight into the development and maintenance of the disorder. Concepts of survival responses, shame and pleasure confusion, affect tolerance, avoidance and other maintaining factors will be discussed. Case examples where EMDR targeting sexual shame dramatically shifted eating disorder severity will be presented. Insight into history taking, and preparation phases will be discussed to enhance effective case conceptualization. Further, this case will discuss alignment with the “Eating Disorder voice” to asses the function and relationship with the client for the purpose of internal collaboration.
Learning Objectives
- Participants will be able to identify the role that sexual shame can have in the development and maintenance of eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors.
- Participants will be able to identify various etiological and maintaining factors for an eating disorder as is related to sexual shame.
- Participants will be able to apply techniques for history taking, case conceptualization, treatment planning and preparation (Phase 1-2) specific to shame with ED clients.
Lauren Day, LPC, LCDC
Lauren Day, LPC, LCDC, specializes in the treatment of trauma, eating disorders, substance use disorders, and dissociative disorders. She has many years of experience treating complex issues in the inpatient, residential, PHP & outpatient level of care. Lauren is a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist Supervisor, and an EMDRIA Approved Consultant. Lauren facilitates EMDR training’s and many seek her consultation with complex cases. She has developed multiple clinical programs for those suffering with addictive disorders and behaviors. She has held the role of Clinical Director in various treatment facilities and is completing her doctorate degree addressing therapeutic competency in eating disorder treatment.
DaLene Forester, Ph.D.
DaLene Forester, Ph.D., has been licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist since 1996 and as a Professional Clinical Counselor since 2013 in California. She maintains an active private practice specializing in the treatment of PTSD, Eating Disorders, and Anxiety Disorders. Dr. Forester is EMDR Certified, an EMDRIA Approved Consultant, EMDR Therapy Trainer, and a Past-President of the EMDRIA. Dr. Forester has two chapters in EMDR Solutions II, R Shapiro (ed.), W.W. Norton & Company, 2009, and one chapter in Trauma-Informed Approaches to Eating Disorders, A. Seubert and P. Virdi (ed.) Springer Publishing Company, LLC, 2019.
September 17, 2022
Presented by
Lauren Day, DaLene Forester
Run Time
182 minutes
EMDRIA Credits
NBCC Credits
Eating Disorders/Body Image, Sexual Trauma
Cost (member)
Cost (nonmember)
EMDR International Association
The presenter(s) retains control over the publishing and copyright of this presentation/course.
APA Citation
Day, L., & Forester, D. (2022, September 17). EMDR with Eating Disorders & Sexual Shame [Online Course]. EMDR International Association.
EMDR Therapists
Content Type
Original Source
Conference 2022
Access Type
Paid Access