For more info contact Terry Becker-Fritz at tbf2inc@gmail.com or 614-507-1838
Approved for 2 EMDRIA Credits
This 2-hour live webinar provides an overview of the theoretical basis for the flash technique which uses the power of the subconscious to process and reduce the intensity of targeted material. This approach allows the client to process and reduce SUDs without directly focusing on traumatic material. It is ideal in situations where material has a high SUDs that may prevent processing directly through EMDR. It can also be used in situations where the fear of the material (blocking belief) has a high SUD and needs to be reduced before material can be processed. Flash can be used as a stand alone or as a precursor to normal EMDR process as part of preparation and/or starting new targets. Presenters will explain the methodology including use of an engaged focus, tapping and flashing and periodically assessing and identifying the SUDs on targeted material. Participants will have an opportunity to practice flash on themselves, give feedback on the process, and explore applications and special situations with various populations.
Presenters: Monica Klisz, LPC & Amy Small, LPC