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August 15, 2020
August 16, 2020
Event Category:


Live Webinar

Questions? Contact Jill Strunk at 952-936-7547 or jillstrunk1@gmail.com

Approved for 13 EMDRIA Credits

Throughout the EMDR therapy process, from history taking to the reprocessing phases, the safety and stabilization of the client are imperative to bring adverse experiences to an adaptive resolution. This workshop will teach EMDR therapists protocols for allowing all clients to increase adaptive resources for life function and stabilization both during the EMDR therapy session and between sessions. The building of adaptive memory networks, widening the window of tolerance, stabilizing the nervous system, affect tolerance, and dual attention will be addressed throughout Phases 1-8 of EMDR standard protocol.

Presenters: Jill Strunk & Jan Schaad