Approved for 6 EMDRIA Credits
In the past, you may have worried that you needed the skills of a Jedi master in order to be effective and successful as an EMDR therapist. This course will help you figure out how to get on track with the most challenging and befuddling clients. With this course, you will be able to own EMDR in a way that feels right for you. This live webinar is designed for clinicians who completed the EMDR basic training but thus far lacks confidence fully integrating EMDR into their practice. We will use many case presentations and client videos for demonstration. The course will provide you with a review of EMDR Therapy, the 3-pronged approach, and the 8-phase protocol. Clarifying and strengthening the use of the standard protocol through lecture and videos will be utilized. You will learn best practices for comprehensive client history taking and treatment planning for these complex cases. We will expand how to use EMDR and focus on working with clients who have a complicated history and present with multiple symptoms. Emphasis will be on how to develop a treatment focus and map out appropriate targets. Participants will go from “Yikes” to “I got this!”
Presenter: Judy Cabeceiras