Approved for 20 EMDRIA Credits
This live webinar will be held over multiple days (January 16 & 23, February 6 & 13, March 14 & 18, April 4 & 11, 2023). Treating patients with (C)PTSD symptoms is sometimes quite difficult. Often there are so many traumatic events that one does not know where to start. Also, ongoing weekly issues often distract attention from underlying issues. The road to recovery and well-being seems long for many patients, especially when only one session per week can be offered. Not only patients, but also therapists are looking for ways to intensify and improve their treatment. Scientific research indicates that intensifying treatment results in less dropout of therapy and faster relief of symptoms. To do this, however, involves establishing a good treatment plan and knowing how to deal with dissociation, avoidance, self-harm and suicidality in drawing up the plan. It is also important to have a good understanding of what exactly the therapist is treating. A clear goal, using the right diagnostic tools, intensification of treatment and a well-defined plan governed by clear case conceptualization will guide more effective and efficient treatment from beginning to completion.
Presenter: Suzy Matthijssen
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