Approved for 6 EMDRIA Credits
This webinar offers updated and expanded clinical application and differential diagnosis material based upon recent research, literature, and the presenters’ experience in consultation focused on the MID with hundreds of clinicians world-wide. The Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation (MID) has become a valuable assessment tool for trauma-focused clinicians–and EMDR practitioners in particular–both to determine the presence of pathological dissociation and to develop more fine-grained interventions for preparation and successful trauma accessing/reprocessing. Case examples will be discussed, with particular attention paid to how certain clusters of dissociative symptoms could influence clinician’s decisions regarding the use of specific kinds of preparation and trauma accessing methods. Implications for stabilization and potential markers for readiness for trauma accessing, particularly in an EMDR therapy frame, but also more generally, will be offered. MID documents are available without charge to mental health professionals and researchers at www.mid-assessment.com
Presenters: Jennifer Madere & D. Michael Coy