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January 10, 2024
January 11, 2024
Event Category:


Live Webinar

Approved for 8 EMDRIA Credits

When child and adolescent therapists complete training in EMDR Therapy, they sometimes find it challenging to integrate EMDR into their current work and are often looking for ways to deliver the 8 Phase EMDR protocol in more developmentally sensitive way. This workshop will help clinicians integrate Play Therapy principles and EMDR for children to increase the confidence of the clinician and make EMDR therapy possible in a child friendly setting. Children learn best through the tactile/kinesthetic or full body learning of play thus making the integration of play therapy and EMDR therapy an important component of effective treatment for traumatized children. We will learn a variety of preparation phase interventions and explore how to invite children into re-processing phase in the context of their play. We will expose participants to titration of trauma content in using EMDR with play-based trauma narratives using some video examples and discussion of how to respect the child’s movement towards and away from the trauma content. Case examples illustrating how to integrate parents into this work will be woven throughout the day.

Presenters: Annie Monaco & Ann Beckley-Forest

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