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July 23, 2020
July 24, 2020
Event Category:


Live Webinar

For more info contact Terry Becker-Fritz at tbf2inc@gmail.com or 614-507-1838

Approved for 6 EMDRIA Credits

Following a disaster there can be emotional trauma that include an array of feelings such as fear, anxiety, panic, anger, and sadness due to the acute stress that occurred during and after the event. They can present as intrusive memories of the event that can feel like it is happening all over again. Having a team of highly trained EMDR Therapists in the immediate aftermath can prevent long term symptoms. This workshop will identify Psychological First Aid & stabilization techniques; identify & demonstrate the Recent Events Protocol; identify & demonstrate the 3 stages of EMDR Group Treatment; Identify the Areas of Concern for Treating First Responders; & Recognize the cultural considerations when treating victims of disaster.

Presenters: Terry Becker Fritz, Kris SantaMaria, Sara Robinson, Camille Townsend, Crystal Horning, Rhonwen Hale & Dana Wilkerson