Can I Do EMDR with My Client with Suicidal Ideation?

If a client presents to you with suicidal ideation, you might ask, “How do I keep them safe? Do I need to take any action?” You might also ask, “Can I do EMDR with this client?” Since EMDR is not an “all or nothing” approach, the question of “Should I or shouldn’t I…?” may not be the right one to ask. Maybe a better question is “How can I use EMDR with clients who have suicidal ideation (SI)?” It is a worthwhile endeavor to explore some practical ways to use EMDR in clinical practice with this population. Some critical treatment areas to consider when working with clients with SI are assessment of risk, questions and collaboration, stability, access to coping, managing countertransference, and the use of a gradual or progressive approach to EMDR therapy.

Learn more in this article from the Summer 2024 issue EMDR Therapy, Suicide, Postvention and Self-Harm of Go With That Magazine™ by Jennifer L. Fee, Psy.D., Viviana Urdaneta Melo, LCSW, Susanna Kaufman, LPC-Associate, NCC.


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