Challenges in the Use of EMDR Therapy with Dissociative Disorders

Clinicians using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy often run into difficulties when clients present symptoms indicative of dissociation of the personality involving different dissociative parts. Not only do inexperienced clinicians have doubts about how to work with complex trauma cases, so do experienced clinicians. Therapists often seek consultation due to feeling unsure about the work that can be done, especially with dissociative disorder cases.

Learn more in this article from the Fall 2021 issue EMDR Therapy & Dissociation Challenges of Go With That Magazine by Dolores Mosquera, Instituto INTRA-TP.

Este artículo también está disponible en español.

An open access version of this article is available at EMDRIA’s Focal Point blog published January 21, 2022. 


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