Counselor’s Corner: EMDR and Ketamine-Assisted Therapy

EMDR therapists respond to the question “I had a client bring up adding Ketamine use to our sessions…She wants to take a small dose before we reprocess. I have no experience with this and told her I would need to talk to other professionals first and learn more about best practices. Does anyone have any resources? Does anyone use it with clients, or does anyone know about research on the impact of use on reprocessing? I would also coordinate with her doctors before moving forward, just looking for more information.”

Learn more in this article from the Summer 2024 issue EMDR Therapy, Suicide, Postvention and Self-Harm of Go With That Magazine™ with contributions from Annie HamiltonPablo Orozco-Castro, Ashley Hakes, PsyD, Cat Jensen, and Danielle Ciccone, LPCC.


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