Stable Enough: Using EMDR Therapy to Address Trauma and Addiction

The fact that Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy can assist individuals who struggle with substance use disorders or process addiction is not controversial. The real challenge is determining when and how to start. When do you shift from the History Taking and Preparation two-step shuffle to the more complex dance of Phases 3 through 8?

Read more on using EMDR therapy to address trauma and addiction from Hope Payson, LCSW, LADC and Sarah Osborne, LPC, LADC, NCC in the Spring 2021 issue The Evolving Landscape of Healing Addiction with EMDR Therapy of Go With That Magazine.

An open access version of this article is available at EMDRIA’s Focal Point blog published July 26, 2021.


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