Post-traumatic stress disorder: Evolving conceptualization and evidence, and future research directions (World Psychiatry)
This paper reviews the evolving concepts of PTSD, complex PTSD, treatment strategies including EMDR therapy, and interventions across time-limited settings and cultural contexts.
Read MoreCriticality is associated with future psychotherapy response in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder – A pilot study (Chronic Stress)
This study assessed whether brain criticality (a factor in optimizing information processing) is related to future response to treatment including EMDR therapy, hypothesizing that treatment responders’ brains function closer to criticality.
Read MoreAlexithymia, dissociation and emotional regulation in eating disorders: Evidence of improvement through specialized inpatient treatment (Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy)
67 female eating disorder inpatients (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder) were treated with EMDR and other methods.
Read MoreA randomized trial of virtual reality eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy for major depressive disorder with childhood trauma: A 3-month follow-up study (Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy)
This study examined the utilization of VR-EMDR in treating major depressive disorder with childhood trauma, monitoring depression and trauma symptoms.
Read MoreThe study protocol of a double-blind randomized controlled trial of EMDR and multifocal transcranial current stimulation (MtCS) as augmentation strategy in patients with fibromyalgia (Trials)
This double-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) analyzes if EMDR therapy is effective in the reduction of pain symptoms in fibromyalgia patients, and if its potential is boosted with the addition of MtCS.
Read MoreEMDR and sexual disorders: A practitioner’s guide to treating sexual trauma and dysfunction (Routledge, 2025)
Provides guidelines for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions with EMDR therapy within the framework of attachment theory.
Read MoreThe effect of eye movement desensitization on neurocognitive functioning compared to retrieval-only in PTSD patients: A randomized controlled trial (BMC Psychiatry)
This study examined whether Eye Movement Desensitization (EMD) improves neurocognitive functioning in PTSD patients, in comparison with a retrieval-only control condition without EMs.
Read MoreEye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in the 21st century (Routledge, 2024)
This chapter gives an overview of EMDR therapy discussing that EMDR treats the whole person – their cognitions, their emotions, their body, and their stored traumatic memories.
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