The effect of eye movement desensitization on neurocognitive functioning compared to retrieval-only in PTSD patients: A randomized controlled trial (BMC Psychiatry)
This study examined whether Eye Movement Desensitization (EMD) improves neurocognitive functioning in PTSD patients, in comparison with a retrieval-only control condition without EMs.
Read MoreEye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in the 21st century (Routledge, 2024)
This chapter gives an overview of EMDR therapy discussing that EMDR treats the whole person – their cognitions, their emotions, their body, and their stored traumatic memories.
Read MoreDisaster psychiatry: An urgent field in psychiatry posing a pertinent question (Psychiatriki)
This editorial summarizes an increasing need for disaster response, prevention, and preparedness to mitigate mental health impact of disasters. EMDR is cited as an effective therapeutic intervention for disasters.
Read MoreHealing through EMDR Therapy: Supporting Veterans on Their Journey
Dr. Timothy Vermillion discusses using EMDR therapy to help veterans heal from trauma, PTSD, and the invisible wounds of war.
Read MoreParent-child EMDR therapy for children aged 0-4 years: Protocol, pilot-data, and case study (European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation)
This article describes the Parent-Child EMDR protocol for children (0–4 years) and provides a summary of a pilot study with 18 children aged 0–4 years, illustrated with a case study.
Read MoreIntegrating EMDR Therapy with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
EMDR therapy and CBT are often posed as rival modalities. EMDRIA member Dr. Jennifer Fee shares how they can complement each other in the therapy room.
Read MoreTrauma resolution: A healing journey through EMDR therapy (Springer, 2024)
This chapter on EMDR therapy appears in an edited book offering an integrative and evidence-based practice approach to training in psychotherapy, examining common factors across different therapeutic models seen through an attachment theory lens.
Read More‘Please, see me’; Informal and professional support of students with relatives with addiction problems: A three-year longitudinal qualitative study (BMC Public Health)
This study aims to examine: (1) young adult family members’ experiences with informal and professional support in coping with the impact of relatives’ addiction problems and (2) how these experiences evolve over time.
Read MoreEye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) within prisons and the criminal justice system (Medicine, Science and the Law)
An editorial on traumatic stress within the criminal justice system, and how EMDR therapy can help.
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