Flash Technique in a Scalable Low-Intensity Group Intervention for COVID-19-Related Stress in Healthcare Providers (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)
Flash technique (FT): a low-intensity individual or group intervention that may rapidly lessen the distress of disturbing/traumatic memories.
Read MoreThe effect of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing technique on COVID-19 induced anxiety, depression, sleep quality among emergency nurses (Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology)
Study showed the importance of the EMDR technique for medical staff for decreasing COVID-19 induced anxiety & depression and improved sleep.
Read MoreThe need for trauma therapy for victims of man-made trauma compared to those of natural disaster, a survey of health professionals (Psychiatria Danubina)
The purpose of this study is to analyze and understand the needs of Syrian refugees, who have being experiencing man made trauma since 2011.
Read MoreMultisite randomized controlled trial on the provision of the EMDR integrative group treatment protocol for ongoing traumatic stress remote to healthcare professionals working in hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic (Psychology and Behavioral Science)
This RCT shows efficacy and safety of remote, group EMDR in reducing stress and anxiety for healthcare professionals during COVID-19.
Read MoreManaging COVID-19 related psychological distress in health workers: Field experience in northern Italy (Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences)
This letter to the editor discusses COVID-19 related stress for healthcare workers in northern Italy and the need for psychological support.
Read MoreEMDR in telemental health counseling for healthcare workers caring for COVID-19 patients: A pilot study (Issues in Mental Health Nursing)
This article shows how group telehealth EMDR is feasible and effective in the treatment of healthcare professionals during COVID-19.
Read MoreDelivery of EMDR in a Metropolitan Police Department: A Pilot Program
This innovative pilot program leverages neurological findings to offer a treatment specifically designed for police.
Read MoreEMDR Therapy Helps Firefighters
EMDR therapists can help firefighters regain resilience after facing stressors like extreme heat, high-risk decisions, and witnessing tragedy.
Read MoreTaking care of our future doctors: A service evaluation of a medical student mental health service (BMC Medical Education)
Efficiency and effectiveness of mental health services for medical students experiencing high levels of mental distress and suicidality.
Read MoreA vicarious trauma preventive approach. The Group Traumatic Episode Protocol EMDR and workplace affect in professionals who work with child abuse and neglect (Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience & Mental Health)
Evaluating the efficacy of Group EMDR in workplace stress management and the prevention or processing of vicarious/secondary trauma.
Read MoreEvaluation of a trauma therapy programme within emergency service organizations (Occupational Medicine)
Occupational health practitioners in emergency services are exposed to higher levels of physical/psychological trauma & need trauma therapy.
Read MoreRandomized Controlled Trial: Provision of EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents and Ongoing Traumatic Stress to First Responders (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)
The EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents and Ongoing Traumatic Stress (EMDR-PRECI) for PTSD symptoms in active duty first responders.
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