The EMDRIA Conference is just around the corner! This year’s event will be virtual, with sessions on September 10, 11, 13, 17, and 18, 2022. We offer a Spanish track, and any session can be attended live or viewed as a recording until December 30, 2022. This means attendees can take their time absorbing the content from all sessions if desired, plus earn up to all 79.5 CEs between September 10, 2022, and December 30, 2022. This year we are adding new programming to promote more interaction and support during the 2022 EMDRIA Virtual Conference. We will offer topic focused Q&A, self-care sessions, and networking opportunities. Also, we will have the Leadership Series, the EMDR Early Intervention Series, and an EMDR Refresher. Visit our conference website with additional questions and register. Below are a few callouts we are excited about.
English Track
Norma Day-Vines, Ph.D.
Strategies for Broaching the Subjects of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture
Session 101, September 10
Many therapists struggle to broach discussions of race, ethnicity, and culture (REC) during treatment yet ignoring clients’ specific and unique cultural contexts may preclude them from metabolizing trauma. An emerging body of research indicates that the therapist’s consideration of REC during treatment enhances the depth of client disclosure, therapist credibility, a willingness to return for follow-up sessions, and more favorable treatment outcomes. During this multimedia presentation, participants will develop strategies for broaching the contextual dimensions of race, ethnicity, and culture with clients using the Broaching Framework, a theoretically and empirically supported multicultural counseling model. Participants will explore therapists’ orientation toward broaching REC, a multi-dimensional approach for addressing specific racial, ethnic, and cultural concerns, a set of strategies for facilitating conversations around REC, as well as approaches for broaching REC within an organizational development context.
Session 101 Preview
Susan Brown, LCSW
Healing Wounds of Addiction: EMDR and IFS, a Systematic Approach to Recovery
Session 201, September 11
This intermediate to advanced workshop explores the benefits of integrating Internal Family Systems (IFS) “informed” procedures and interweaves for the treatment of addictions, both substance and behavioral, within the 8 phases of EMDR therapy. One of the most challenging concerns working with these clients is chronic relapsing. This repetitive experience can be deeply demoralizing, triggering hopelessness, self-loathing, and shame. The goals of this workshop are to explore why and how integrating IFS-informed procedures within the EMDR model offers greater clinical benefit than either model alone; to demonstrate the value of establishing new, more compassionate internal connections toward parts burdened with addiction; and to incorporate IFS into reprocessing early traumatic contributors in addition to previous and recent relapses triggered by cravings and overwhelming stress. Some knowledge of IFS is recommended but not required. Slides and videos demonstrating this integration will be used to explore the complex nature of treating addiction.
Session 201 Preview
Daniel Siegel, M.D.
We Are Intraconnected: Living Into the Wholeness of Life
Session 301, September 17
What does it mean to be intraconnected? In weaving the internal and external, the subjective and objective, this workshop will reveal how modern culture, as well as how our brain is wired, may give us a message of separation as a solo, isolated self. Yet, a wider perspective unveils who we are, what a deeper reality is, maybe something more—broader than the brain, bigger even than the body—fundamental to the social systems and the natural world in which we live. We will explore the nature of how our experience of what we often call, self, emerges across the lifespan and how this journey into identity and belonging can help weave our reflections with scientific discussions into how the mind, brain, and relationships shape who we are. Our body-based self—the origin of a Me— is not only connected to others but connected within our relational worlds themselves—a WE—forming the essence of how we belong and the fullness of our identity. Who we are is both within and between Me plus We equals MWe, the reality of our intraconnected lives.
Session 301 Preview
Dolores Mosquera, Psy
Therapeutic Challenges in the Application of EMDR Therapy to Complex Trauma cases
Session 401, September 18
Do you ever find it difficult to organize the treatment plan for complex cases? Do the tools that usually work with other clients fall short? Do you have a hard time setting realistic goals with some clients? Do you ever feel confused about where to start and how to maintain a working structure? Do you sometimes doubt what to do, how, and when? Do you feel that there are blockages that are difficult to manage? This presentation will answer these questions and other practical issues related to common challenges in working with trauma and, in particular, with trauma processing with EMDR therapy. Cases with different problems and blockage points and the tools to organize the work and handle the challenges that usually arise will be described.
Spanish Track
Amalia Osorio Vigil, Ph.D.
Terapia EMDR para procesar el duelo y las perdidas en los tiempos de COVID
Sesion 126, September 10
Todos los seres humanos a lo largo de la vida tenemos pérdidas, son inevitables, las pérdidas conllevan un proceso de duelo, la vivencia adecuada del duelo favorece la integración funcional de estas experiencias en la trama de la vida, sin embargo, si el duelo es traumático o no se procesa de manera adaptativa este se puede complicar y quedar congelado, detenido, aquí es donde la Terapia EMDR resulta muy efectiva para apoyar a las personas a desensibilizar y reprocesar las memorias patogénicas asociadas a este duelo. En tiempos de COVID, muchos de los duelos que se vivieron fueron traumáticos, complicados, quedando almacenados desadaptativamente en el cerebro; la Terapia EMDR ofrece un camino para procesar el duelo y las pérdidas de manera adaptativa y resiliente.
Sesion 126 Preview
Arun Mansukhani, Psy.D.
Tratamiento de la Dependencia Interpersonal con EMDR-AIP
Sesion 216, September 11
Inicialmente desarrollada para abordar el trauma agudo y el PTSD, la terapia EMDR ha demostrado ser extremadamente efectiva en una gran variedad de pacientes. Sin embargo, en pacientes con presentaciones complejas, se requiere adaptar el protocolo estándar. Estos pacientes tienen muchas dificultades pata mantener la atención dual, con frecuente híper e hipo activación, dificultades para relacionar sus dificultades presentes con los eventos traumáticos de su pasado, dificultades para recordar dianas (targets – momentos traumáticos para reprocesar) específicas de su pasado y presentan estructuras muy defensivas o se desestabilizan con frecuencia. Dentro de este grupo se encuentran los pacientes con formas patológicas de vinculación y dependencia. En el taller, presentaré un marco conceptual para abordar estos casos complejos, las adaptaciones del protocolo estándar que se requieren y las diferentes intervenciones específicas que pueden usarse con estos pacientes desde el modelo EMDR-AIP, para ajustar los planes de tratamiento a cada paciente individual.
Sesion 216 Preview
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Additional Resources
If you are a therapist interested in the EMDR training:
- Learn more about EMDR at the EMDRIA Library
- Learn more about EMDR Training
- Search for an EMDR Training Provider
- Check out our EMDR Training FAQ
If you are EMDR trained:
- Check out EMDRIA’s Let’s Talk EMDR Podcast
- Check out the EMDRIA blog, Focal Point
- Learn more about EMDRIA membership
- Search for Continuing Education opportunities
If you are an EMDRIA Member:
August 15, 2022