Clinical Q&A: Suggestions for Teaching the Application of Eye Movements in EMDR (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)

Question: “[Are] eye movements are considered superior, and if so, how I can encourage my consultees/trainees to use them.”

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EMDR: Eye movements superior to beeps in taxing working memory and reducing vividness of recollections (Behaviour Research and Therapy)

Study compares auditory and eye movement BLS, supports a working memory account of EMDR, and suggests that the effects of beeps on negative memories are inferior to those of eye movements.

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EMDR effects on pursuit eye movements (PLoS ONE)

This study aimed to objectivize the quality of smooth pursuit eye movements in a standard laboratory task before and after EMDR.

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A Single-Case fMRI Study EMDR Treatment of a Patient With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)

Study of EMDR with auditory alternating bilateral stimulation (ABS) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of brain activations.

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Present and Accounted For: Sensory Stimulation and Parietal Neuroplasticity (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)

Directional/bilateral alternating peripheral sensory stimulation appear to assist in the amelioration of a wide range of clinical conditions.

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A Working Memory Explanation for the Effects of Eye Movements in EMDR (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)

Study tested working memory theory to investigate the effects of eye movement (EM) on the components of autobiographical memory.

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Interhemispheric Interaction and Saccadic Horizontal Eye Movements: Implications for Episodic Memory, EMDR, and PTSD (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)

The body of literature on the effects of bilateral saccadic eye movements, patterned after those employed in EMDR, on memory is reviewed.

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Psychophysiological Studies of EMDR (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)

This article describes research on the effects of eye movements during authentic EMDR sessions of chronic PTSD in refugees of war and torture.

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The Neurobiology of EMDR: Exploring the Thalamus and Neural Integration (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)

One underlying mechanism of EMDR stimulation (BLS) is likely thalamic activation specifically of the ventrolateral and central-lateral nuclei.

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EMDR and the Adaptive Information Processing Model: Potential Mechanisms of Change (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)

Throughout the article a variety of mechanisms of action are discussed, including those inferred by tenets of the AIP model, and the EMDR procedures themselves, including the bilateral stimulation.

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Reduced misinformation effects following saccadic bilateral eye movements (Brain and Cognition)

The effects of saccadic bilateral (horizontal) eye movements on memory for a visual event narrative were investigated.

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Effects of eye movement versus therapist instructions on the processing of distressing memories (Journal of Anxiety Disorders)

The effectiveness of EMDR was tested by randomly assigning 48 participants to either an eye movement or an eye stationary condition.

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