Reducing intrusive memories and promoting posttraumatic growth with Traveler: A randomized controlled study (Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing)
This randomized controlled trial tests a computerized game, Traveler, developed for managing posttraumatic responses immediately after trauma that includes elements of EMDR.
Read MoreThe use of the “group traumatic episode protocol (G-TEP)” in an outpatient randomized and hospital setting: Implementation and effects in heterogeneous patient samples (Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy)
This study examined the application of G-TEP (a group EMDR protocol) in both outpatient and in-patient settings for treating multiple symptoms.
Read MoreEMDR therapy with first episode psychosis: Intervening early (Journal of the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists)
EMDR therapy with first episode psychosis.
Read MoreThe Future of EMDR Project (Council of Scholars) Videos
This playlist of videos discuss The Future of EMDR Project from the Council of Scholars. Themes explored include cost effectiveness, depression, PTSD with children and adolescents, EMDR early interventions, chronic pain, and combat PTSD.
Read MoreEl Abrazo de la Mariposa Método de Terapia EMDR para la Autoadministración de Estimulación Bilateral (Revista Iberoamericana de Psicotraumatología y Disociación)
Este artículo de Ignacio (Nacho) Jarero, Ph.D., Ed.D. y Lucina Artigas detalla cómo utilizar el método del abrazo de mariposa.
Read MoreEMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol-Ongoing Traumatic Stress – EMDR IGTP-OTS (Springer, 2023)
In this chapter by Viviana Urdaneta Melo and Viviana Triana, the authors explain the advantages of using EMDR IGTP-OTS, provide a practical outline, and share the context of adaptation for populations who are in the midst of ongoing trauma.
Read MoreEMDR group therapy: Emerging principles and protocols for trauma and beyond (Springer, 2023)
This 23 chapter book provides both theoretical background and practical applications of using EMDR therapy in group settings with a variety of populations.
Read MoreEarly intervention for residential out-of-home care staff using eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) (Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy)
This study provides evidence for the efficacy of EMDR in reducing traumatic stress symptom severity for residential out-of-home care staff.
Read MoreFire in the Belly: The History of the Butterfly Hug, the EMDR-IGTP, and the ASSYST-Treatment Procedures
Jarero and Lucina (Lucy) Artigas use the butterfly hug and group interventions to heal those effected by tragedies.
Read MoreThe TEP Suite of EMDR Protocols: The Family of Trauma Episode Protocols Based on EMDR R-TEP and G-TEP
The EMDR R-TEP is soundly based on and extended from Shapiro’s EMD and Recent Event protocols, and the EMDR therapy profession has widely adopted it with over a dozen published studies, including controlled trials.
Read MoreThe EMDR Therapy butterfly hug method for self-administered bilateral stimulation (Iberoamerican Journal of Psychotraumatology and Dissociation)
This article details how to use the butterfly hug method to help disaster survivors during group or individual clinical practice.
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