Individual prediction of trauma-focused psychotherapy response in youth with posttraumatic stress disorder using resting-state functional connectivity (NeuroImage: Clinical)
Study of biomarkers are available to assist clinicians in identifying youth with PTSD who are most likely to benefit from treatment.
Read MoreThe New Horizon – EMDR Research on Populations, Protocols, and the Brain
Discover relevant, peer-reviewed EMDR therapy research from 2020 and 2021. Key findings are summarized from individual case reports, pilot studies and randomized controlled trials to assist practicing clinicians.
Read MoreA treatment-response comparison study of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging between standard treatment of SSRI and standard treatment of SSRI plus non-dominant hand-writing task in patients with major depressive disorder (Frontiers in Psychiatry: Neuroimaging and Stimulatio)
A non-dominant hand-writing exercise, developed with inspiration from EMDR , showed changes related with major depressive disorder treatment.
Read MoreA Model for the Flash Technique Based on Working Memory and Neuroscience Research (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)
Research has shown that the Flash Technique (FT) appears to reduce memory-related disturbance and may reduce symptoms of PTSD.
Read MoreCourage, Neurobiology, and EMDR Therapy
Leaning forward into adversity takes courage. Research now shows how the brain may actually reward this courage. Vision and stress researcher Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses a link between stepping forward to encounter the world and lateral back and forth eye movements.
Read MoreThe Role of the Thalamus in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (International Journal of Molecular Sciences)
Mini literature review on the potential contribution of the thalamus to the pathogenesis of PTSD & the validation of therapeutic approaches.
Read MoreClinical efficacy of EMDR in unipolar depression: Changes in theta cordance (Psychiatry Research)
EMDR may be efficacious in treating unipolar depression. The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex Theta Cordance may be linked to depression.
Read MoreTrauma-focused psychotherapy response in youth with posttraumatic stress disorder is associated with changes in insula volume (Journal of Psychiatric Research)
Study on the relationship between treatment response and alternations in brain structures associated with PTSD in children and adolescents.
Read MoreMOSAIC: A new pain-free psychotherapy for psychological trauma (The American Journal of Psychotherapy)
Through BAS and bodily sensations, MOSAIC therapy aims to enrich the traumatic memory neuronal network with new information.
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