‘Please, see me’; Informal and professional support of students with relatives with addiction problems: A three-year longitudinal qualitative study (BMC Public Health)
This study aims to examine: (1) young adult family members’ experiences with informal and professional support in coping with the impact of relatives’ addiction problems and (2) how these experiences evolve over time.
Read MoreEMDR gaming recovery and insight protocol (E-GRIP): An approach for treating video game addiction (Antioch University, 2024)
This dissertation introduces EMDR Gaming Recovery and Insight Protocol (E-GRIP), a novel therapeutic approach designed to address the complexities of video game addiction.
Read MoreThe Effect of Eye Movements on Craving in Alcohol-Dependent Inpatients: A Randomized Controlled Experiment (Journal of EMDR Practice and Research)
Study on whether Eye Movements (EM) during recall of intrusive alcohol craving images impacted the ability of these images to elicit craving.
Read MoreEMDR group therapy: Emerging principles and protocols for trauma and beyond (Springer, 2023)
This 23 chapter book provides both theoretical background and practical applications of using EMDR therapy in group settings with a variety of populations.
Read MoreFeasibility and efficacy of addiction-focused eye movement desensitization reprocessing in adults with substance use disorder (Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work)
A two-arm RCT design with an experimental group (AF-EMDR + cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT]) and a control group (CBT Only).
Read MoreEMDR Therapy & Addiction (Webpage)
This website explains how EMDR therapy can help additions and substance use disorders for a general audience.
Read MoreThe Oxford Handbook of EMDR (Oxford, 2023)
This handbook includes entries on the theoretical framework for EMDR therapy, specific populations, and enhancing clinical competency.
Read MoreA randomized study to compare the effects of EMDR added to TAU on substance memory in a residential addiction setting (Journal of Substance Use)
Study suggests that EMDR and treatment as usual in substance use disorder inpatient in a residential setting may reduce substance craving.
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