The therapeutic relationship in EMDR therapy (Frontiers in Psychology)
Parallels between the therapeutic relationship and the development and core features of an attachment based relationship are discussed.
Read MoreRachel Walker explains EMDR, parts work, and structural dissociation (The Art and Science of EMDR)
In this video, Rachel Walker explains the integration of attachment theory, structural dissociation, parts work, and EMDR.
Read MoreDissociation in Children: A Multimodal Approach to EMDR Therapy
Adverse childhood experiences, including disorganized attachment and early trauma, can lead to dissociation in children.
Read MoreTreatment of Traumatic Attachment to the Perpetrator
This workshop will focus on treatment of complex trauma with the emphasis on treatment of the traumatic attachment to the abuser.
Read MoreIntegrating the Attachment System and AIP Model for Chronic Health Syndrome
This presentation provides a theoretical background and a model of care for using the attachment system and the AIP Model to treat clients with chronic health syndromes (such as autoimmune disorders and chronic pain).
Read MoreA qualitative study on clinicians’ perceptions of Attachment-Focused eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (Counselling and Psychotherapy Research)
EMDR therapy is starting to embrace attachment theory & the need to factor an awareness of developmental trauma into therapeutic treatment.
Read MoreDyadic EMDR: A Clinical Model for the Treatment of Preverbal Medical Trauma (Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy)
The development of the child-caregiver attachment relationship before, during and following the medical trauma.
Read MoreEMDR and Addiction: Stabilize Addiction, Avoid Relapse
Addicts are triggered into addictive behaviors by reminders of attachment trauma, because attachment is the base of emotional regulation.
Read MoreAttachment theory and EMDR: Interview with Eden Hyder (Finding Your Village Podcast)
A discussion of attachment theory and how EMDR therapy can help people with insecure attachments heal from their wounds and trauma.
Read MoreInternal family systems informed eye movement desensitization and reprocessing: An integrative technique for treatment of complex posttraumatic stress disorder (International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 2021)
IFS-EMDR creates an integration of the contemporary practice of EMDR with the interweave of the IFS model for positive resourcing.
Read MoreThe tragedy of having to choose between secure attachment and authenticity – Dr Gabor Mate (The Poetry of Predicament)
Video describing the conflict some children experience between the two needs of attachment and to authenticity, by Dr. Gabor Mate.
Read MoreEgo-State Therapy Interventions to Prepare Dissociative Clients for EMDR
The workshop will introduce a collection of ego state therapy interventions from the Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy (DNMS) for stabilizing dysregulated, dissociative, and attachment-wounded clients.
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