Sexual Health and Sexual Trauma: A Brief Introduction

Most therapists are familiar with the statistics that one in three females, one in six males, and that 50 percent of transgender individuals experience sexual violence at some point in their lives. There is a noticeable correlation between trauma and adult sexual issues, such as lower sexual interest, arousal, orgasms, and sexual satisfaction. Yet, sexuality is barely mentioned in the EDMR therapy literature. Stephanie Baird, LMHC authored the first book on the subject, EMDR Therapy and Sexual Health: A Clinician’s Guide (Baird, 2023) and shares some key basic sexual health concepts from the book.

Learn more in this article from the Spring 2023 issue EMDR Therapy, Sexual Trauma & Intimate Partner Violence of Go With That Magazine™️ by Stephanie Baird, LMHC.


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