12-month follow-up of intensive outpatient treatment for PTSD combining prolonged exposure therapy, EMDR and physical activity
Long-term follow-up study for patients with PTSD treated with a combination of prolonged exposure, EMDR, and physical activity.
Article Abstract
“Background: Preliminary evidence shows promising treatment outcomes at short-term follow-up for intensive posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment, but long-term follow-up studies are sparse. This study is a sequel to a previous pilot study and open trial, set out to investigate treatment outcomes at 12-month follow-up for outpatients completing an 8-day intensive treatment for PTSD.
Methods: All patients were diagnosed with PTSD and had multiple previous psychotherapy attempts (M = 3.1). Patients were assessed at pre-treatment, post-treatment, 3- and 12-month follow-up. Of 35 treated patients, 32 (91.4%) attended the long-term follow-up assessment. The treatment programme combined prolonged exposure therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, and physical activity.
Results: The effect sizes indicated large reductions in symptoms of PTSD, depression, anxiety, interpersonal problems, and well-being. Changes in functioning showed a small-medium effect. Results were stable across the follow-up period. The treatment response rates showed that 46–60% of patients achieved recovery with respect to PTSD symptoms, and that 44–48% no longer met diagnostic criteria for PTSD.
Conclusions: Time-limited and concentrated outpatient treatment for PTSD can yield large and enduring positive outcomes. Controlled trials are needed to establish relative efficacy.”
—Description from publisher
Article Access
Open Access
Klaeth, J. R., Jensen, A. G., Brynhildsvoll Auren, T. J., & Solem, S. (2024). 12-month follow-up of intensive outpatient treatment for PTSD combining prolonged exposure therapy, EMDR and physical activity. BMC Psychiatry, 24:225. Open access: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-024-05656-9
About the Journal
“BMC Psychiatry is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that encompasses a wide range of topics, including psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, and psychosocial approaches to psychiatric disorders, as well as genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology research.”
—Description from publisher
March 26, 2024
Julie Rendum Klaeth, Andreas Gjerde Jensen, Trude Julie Brynhildsvoll Auren
Stian Solem
Practice & Methods
Integrative Therapies
Springer Nature
© The Author(s) 2024. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made.
APA Citation
Klaeth, J. R., Jensen, A. G., Brynhildsvoll Auren, T. J., & Solem, S. (2024). 12-month follow-up of intensive outpatient treatment for PTSD combining prolonged exposure therapy, EMDR and physical activity. BMC Psychiatry, 24:225. Open access: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-024-05656-9
EMDR Therapists
Content Type
Article, Peer-Reviewed
Access Type
External Resource, Open Access