A Guide to the Standard EMDR Therapy Protocols for Clinicians, Supervisors, and Consultants
Concise treatment guidelines for students, clinicians, and supervisors for EMDR treatment of those with PTSD, phobias, and panic disorder.
Article Abstract
“This second edition of an acclaimed guide to the theory and practice of EMDR provides updated information regarding new evidence for its treatment efficacy and an in-depth presentation of state-of-the-art research on its mechanisms of action. The book reviews outcome studies suggesting EMDR effectiveness for diagnoses beyond PTSD, along with studies on its use for treatment of depression, with cancer patients, and with groups. It surveys new strategies on advanced EMDR therapy topics such as when treating dissociative and personality disorders, along with references for more in-depth information. The second edition also provides an expanded glossary and extensively updated references and reflects changes corresponding to the DSM-5.
The book delivers clear, concise treatment guidelines for students, practicing clinicians, supervisors, clinic directors, and hospital administrators involved in the treatment of those with PTSD, specific phobias, and panic disorder. For researchers conducting treatment outcome studies, it provides easy-to-access treatment guidelines and a comprehensive set of fidelity checklists for all aspects of EMDR therapy. Many new charts, forms, scripts, illustrations, tables, and decision trees present key information clearly and concisely to guide treatment planning and documentation. Case studies with transcripts illustrate the different protocols and further guide practitioners of EMDR therapy in informed decision making.
New to the Second Edition:
- Describes updated information on mechanisms of action of EMDR therapy
- Presents new evidence-based EMDR therapy
- Delivers outcome studies for the use of EMDR with a broad range of diagnoses
- Surveys new research about using EMDR with cancer patients and those with severe depression
- Discusses the evolution of the theory of memory networks in EMDR therapy
- Examines the effectiveness of bilateral stimulation on adaptive memories and images
- Reflects changes resulting from DSM-5
- Includes extensively updated and expanded references and glossary
- Provides new charts, forms, scripts, illustrations, decision trees, and case studies illustrating different protocols
Key Features:
- Presents an easy-to-use set of forms and scripts available for download from www.springerpub.com/leeds-2e
- Focuses on safety and efficiency of EMDR therapy in many situations
- Expands AIP model regarding using EMDR to resolve psychological defenses
- Discusses ethical issues in clinical application, consultation, supervision, and research”
—Description from publisher
Table of Contents
“Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
SECTION I: The Conceptual Framework for EMDR Therapy
Chapter 1 The History and Evolution of EMDR Therapy
Chapter 2 The Adaptive Information Processing Model
Chapter 3 An Overview of the Standard Eight-Phase Model of EMDR Therapy and the Three-Pronged Protocol
SECTION II: Case Formulation, Treatment Planning, and Preparing Patients for EMDR Reprocessing
Chapter 4 Case Formulation and Treatment Planning
Chapter 5 Assessing Readiness for Reprocessing
Chapter 6 The Preparation Phase
SECTION III: Phases 3 to 8 of the Standard Protocol for PTSD With the Standard Procedural Steps for EMDR Reprocessing
Chapter 7 The Assessment Phase
Chapter 8 The Desensitization Phase: Basic Procedures
Chapter 9 Maintaining and Restoring Effective Reprocessing in the Desensitization Phase
Chapter 10 The Installation, Body Scan, and Closure Phases
Chapter 11 The Reevaluation Phase and Completing the Treatment Plan
Chapter 12 Cases Illustrating EMDR Treatment of PTSD
SECTION IV: Research-Supported Standard EMDR Therapy Protocols for Other Disorders and Situations
Chapter 13 Treating Specific Phobia
Chapter 14 Treating Panic Disorder
Chapter 15 Cases Illustrating EMDR Therapy for Panic Disorder
SECTION V: Professional Development
Chapter 16 Professional Development in Clinical Application
Chapter 17 Supervising and Consulting on EMDR Therapy
SECTION VI: Fidelity Checklists, Forms, Resources, and Glossary
Appendix A: Fidelity Checklists
Appendix B: Procedural Scripts and Forms for Planning and Documenting EMDR Treatment
Appendix C: Resources
Appendix D: Glossary
Article Access
Purchase/Subscription Required
Leeds, A. (2016). A guide to the standard EMDR therapy protocols for clinicians, supervisors, and consultants. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
- ISBN: 9780826131164
- eBook ISBN: 9780826131171
February 3, 2016
Andrew M. Leeds
Anxiety/Panic/Phobias, Cancer, PTSD
Practice & Methods
8 Phases, Case Conceptualization, Mechanisms of Action, Protocols
464 pages
APA Citation
Leeds, A. (2016). A guide to the standard EMDR therapy protocols for clinicians, supervisors, and consultants. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
Consultants/Consultees, EMDR Therapists, Trainers
Content Type
Access Type
External Resource