An EMDR-based intervention for the ‘Golfers’ Yips’: A case series
This article reports on the effect of an EMDR-based intervention on golfers experiencing the yips.
Article Abstract
“Introduction: The yips in golfers is a task-specific movement disorder. Anxiety might play a role in its emergence and persistence. The objective was to report on the effect of an Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) based intervention on the yips by reducing anxiety.
Methods: We present a case-series with seven golfers with observed right-handed yips. The participants were treated with EMDR in one or two sessions and were followed for one year. A bespoke Yips Rating Scale (YRS) was determined and golfing skills were assessed at baseline and after one year.
Results: All participants completed treatment without complications. Follow-up data from six golfers after the intervention showed a positive effect of the EMDR based intervention on their yips symptoms. YRS scores improved after the intervention in 6 golfers (p=0.04) and golfers’ performance appeared to improve by an average of 20%.
Conclusion: Anxiety might play a crucial role in the emergence and cultivation of the yips in golfers. The reduction of accompanying and anticipatory anxiety by means of EMDR in golfers seems safe and could be beneficial in diminishing the yips. Larger and better studies are needed to further evaluate the effect of EMDR in the golfer’s yips and other sport-related task-specific movement disorders.”
—Description from publisher
Article Access
Open Access
van Wensen, E., Nijenhuis, B., Zwerver, J., & Bogaard, P-J. (2024). An EMDR-based intervention for the ‘Golfers’ Yips’: A case series. Sports Psychiatry, Online. Open access:
July 3, 2024
Erik van Wensen, Beorn Nijenhuis, Johannes Zwerver
Pieter-Jan Bogaard
Client Population
6 pages
Hogrefe AG
© 2024The Author(s). Distributed as a Hogrefe OpenMind article under the license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (
APA Citation
van Wensen, E., Nijenhuis, B., Zwerver, J., & Bogaard, P-J. (2024). An EMDR-based intervention for the 'Golfers' Yips': A case series. Sports Psychiatry, Online. Open access:
EMDR Therapists, Other Mental Health Professionals
Content Type
Article, Peer-Reviewed
Access Type
External Resource, Open Access