Application of EMDR therapy in treatment of fear for an adult, caused by traumatic experience during childhood: Case report
The aim is to show the effectiveness of the EMDR technique in the treatment of childhood caused traumatic adolescent anxiety.
Article Abstract
“Fear is an intense, negative, and unpleasant feeling that a person experiences when meeting a real or unreal, or nonexistent danger. Fear is the primary and innate, genetically programmed reaction to painful or threatening stimuli. In acceptable boundaries, fear similar to pain is intended to protect the body. It mobilizes the whole body towards its source, raising the level of alertness and readiness to protect itself, excluding less important stimuli at that moment.”
—Description from publisher
Article Access
Open Access
Imsirovic, F., Omeragic, I., & Hasanovic, M. (2021). Application of EMDR therapy in treatment of fear for an adult, caused by traumatic experience during childhood: Case report. Psychiatria Danubina, 33(Suppl 1), 83-87. Retrieved from:
January 1, 2021
Fadil Imširoviü, Irma Omeragiü, Mevludin Hasanoviü
Anxiety/Panic/Phobias, Childhood Trauma
5 pages
Psychiatria Danubina
APA Citation
Imsirovic, F., Omeragic, I., & Hasanovic, M. (2021). Application of EMDR therapy in treatment of fear for an adult, caused by traumatic experience during childhood: Case report. Psychiatria Danubina, 33(Suppl 1), 83-87. Retrieved from:
EMDR Therapists, Other Mental Health Professionals
Content Type
Article, Peer-Reviewed
Access Type
External Resource, Open Access