Benefits of immediate EMDR vs. eclectic therapy intervention for victims of physical violence and accidents at the workplace: a pilot study
This study focuses on the reduction of stress in victims of aggression at the workplace who received an EMDR emergency protocol.
Article Abstract
“This study focuses on 34 victims of aggression at the workplace, less than 48 hours following the incident of aggression. We compared victims who received an EMDR emergency protocol (URG-EMDR; n = 19) that we developed with those who received a method of intervention called eclectic therapy (n = 15). The results show that URG-EMDR therapy, provided within 48 hours, resulted in a greater decrease in perceived stress and a lower PCL-S score than eclectic therapy did. The scores were lower in both groups after 24 hours, and after 3 months, the drop was significantly greater among the victims treated with the URG-EMDR protocol; none of the EMDR-treated patients exhibited symptoms of posttraumatic stress.”
—Description from publisher
Article Access
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Brennstuhl, M. J., Tarquinio, C., Strub, L., Montel, S., Rydberg, J. A., & Kapoula. Z. (2013). Benefits of immediate EMDR vs. eclectic therapy intervention for victims of physical violence and accidents at the workplace: a pilot study. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 34(6), 425-434.
About the Journal
“Issues in Mental Health Nursing publishes novel, innovative approaches to client care, analysis of current issues, and empirical research addressing mental health, policy and nurse education.”
—Description from publisher
June 28, 2013
Marie-Jo Brennstuhl, Cyril Tarquinio, Lionel Strub
Sebastien Montel, Jenny Ann Rydberg, Zoi Kapoula
Abuse/Neglect, Workplace Trauma
Practice & Methods
Comparative Studies, EMDR Early Intervention
10 pages
Taylor & Francis
Rights managed by Taylor & Francis
APA Citation
Brennstuhl, M. J., Tarquinio, C., Strub, L., Montel, S., Rydberg, J. A., & Kapoula. Z. (2013). Benefits of immediate EMDR vs. eclectic therapy intervention for victims of physical violence and accidents at the workplace: a pilot study. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 34(6), 425-434.
EMDR Therapists, Other Mental Health Professionals
Content Type
Article, Peer-Reviewed, RCT
Access Type
External Resource