EMDR as a therapeutic intervention for medical professionals
A review and examination of EMDR therapy for medical professionals as first responders.
Article Abstract
“This review of the existing literature pertaining to an evidence-based trauma intervention, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), is intended to highlight its potential usefulness for first responders, specifically, medical professionals. Presented is a description of EMDR, an in-depth exploration into its adaptive information reprocessing model, a review of the efficacy of other various evidence-based trauma interventions and modalities, an examination of the unique occupational stressors and challenges faced by medical professionals, and the current interventions in place for this population. Utilizing literature from academic journal databases, the researcher reviewed articles demonstrating the content, practicality, and effectiveness EMDR may have with this population. This includes several factors, including EMDR as an integrative therapy that is less beholden to a particular theoretical orientation; it utilizes a non-traditional talk therapy model; results typically occur with fewer sessions compared to other trauma-related interventions; and it addresses the physiological impacts of trauma through the use of bilateral stimulation. A discussion surrounding the lack of available resources to medical professionals and the systemic and individual implications are also included in the literature review. Suggestions are made for future research to involve various types of medical professionals in studies, evaluating assessments used to screen and identify trauma for this population, and studies focused on evaluating both pre and post emotional and physiological change following treatment.”
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Carlson, C. C. (2024). EMDR as a therapeutic intervention for medical professionals. [Doctoral dissertation, Azusa Pacific University]. https://www.proquest.com/openview/6be13d9c3b44555553c54826f5fea286/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y
June 1, 2024
Celeste Catherine Carlso
Client Population
First Responders/Healthcare Workers
Copyright © 2024 ProQuest LLC
APA Citation
Carlson, C. C. (2024). EMDR as a therapeutic intervention for medical professionals. [Doctoral dissertation, Azusa Pacific University]. https://www.proquest.com/openview/6be13d9c3b44555553c54826f5fea286/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y
EMDR Therapists
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External Resource