EMDR as a Transpersonal Therapy: A Trauma-Focused Approach to Awakening Consciousness
Integration of a transpersonal psychological approach into the standard eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) protocol.
Article Abstract
“This article introduces the integration of a transpersonal psychological approach into the standard eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) protocol. The history and philosophy of transpersonal psychology is explained as an expanded context for healing. The applications of a transpersonal context to EMDR therapy are discussed as it applies to taking the client from trauma to healing beyond adaptive functioning leading to exceptional human functioning, as depicted in Native shamanism and Eastern spiritual tradition where consciousness is awakened. The influence of the consciousness of the therapist is explored, as the convergence of science, psychology, and spirituality address the interpersonal nature of a shared energy field. Elements of transpersonal psychotherapy are presented, and transpersonal therapeutic skills are described to enhance the range of tools of the therapist from egoic intervention to an expanded range of perception based in mindful awareness, attunement, and resonance. Comprehensive case examples take us through the standard EMDR protocol where these two approaches integrate and flow as healing unresolved early trauma becomes the doorway for spiritual awakening.”
—Description from publisher
Article Access
Open Access
Siegel, I. R. (2018). EMDR as a Transpersonal Therapy: A Trauma-Focused Approach to Awakening Consciousness. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 12(1), 24–43. https://doi.org/10.1891/1933-3196.12.1.24
About the Journal
The Journal of EMDR Practice and Research is a peer-reviewed publication devoted to integrative, state-of-the-art papers about Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a broadly conceived interdisciplinary journal that stimulates and communicates research and theory about EMDR, and their application to clinical practice. The Journal of EMDR Practice and Research is the Official Publication of the EMDR International Association.
March 1, 2018
Irene R. Siegel
Practice & Methods
Mindfulness, Spirituality
20 pages
Springer Publishing Company
Copyright © 2018 EMDR International Association
APA Citation
Siegel, I. R. (2018). EMDR as a Transpersonal Therapy: A Trauma-Focused Approach to Awakening Consciousness. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 12(1), 24–43. https://doi.org/10.1891/1933-3196.12.1.24
EMDR Therapists
Content Type
Original Source
Journal of EMDR Practice and Research
Access Type
Open Access