EMDR Group Treatment of Children Refugees—A Field Study
The growth in refugees fleeing from persecution, terrorism, and war-torn countries, there is an urgent need for therapeutic interventions.
Article Abstract
“Given the significant growth in the migration flow of refugees who are fleeing from persecution, terrorism, and war-torn countries to Europe, there is an urgent need for effective interventions for the treatment of this highly traumatized population. EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol (EMDR-IGTP) was provided to 14 child refugees (7 females) in 2016 at a Turkey orphanage near the Syrian border which was housing adult and child Syrian refugees. Treatment was provided in three groups, one each for children aged 3–7 years, pre-adolescents aged 9–12, and adolescents aged 13–18 with three sessions provided to each group. Pre-treatment assessment with multiple measures was compromised by difficulties with translator availability and refugee mobility, resulting in high attrition. When the post-treatment assessment was conducted 45 days later, many refugees had already left the orphanage. The sparse character of the data matrix produced analyzable data for 8 children (mean age 11 ± 3; 4 females) on the Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES). Statistical analysis showed a significant decrease in CRIES scores, reflecting a decrease in severity of posttraumatic symptoms.”
—Description from publisher
Article Access
Open Access
Perilli, S., Giuliani, A., Pagani, M., Mazzoni, G. P., Maslovaric, G., Maccarrone, B., Mahasneh, V. H., & Morales, D. (2019). EMDR Group Treatment of Children Refugees—A Field Study. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 13(2), 143–155. https://doi.org/10.1891/1933-3196.13.2.143
About the Journal
The Journal of EMDR Practice and Research is a peer-reviewed publication devoted to integrative, state-of-the-art papers about Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a broadly conceived interdisciplinary journal that stimulates and communicates research and theory about EMDR, and their application to clinical practice. The Journal of EMDR Practice and Research is the Official Publication of the EMDR International Association.
June 1, 2019
Sava Perilli, Alessandro Giuliani, Marco Pagani
Gian Paolo Mazzoni, Giada Maslovaric, Bruna Maccarrone, Vissam Hamza Mahasneh, Diana Morales
Client Population
Children, Immigrants/Refugees
Practice & Methods
EMDR Early Intervention, Group
13 pages
Springer Publishing Company
Copyright © 2019 EMDR International Association
APA Citation
Perilli, S., Giuliani, A., Pagani, M., Mazzoni, G. P., Maslovaric, G., Maccarrone, B., Mahasneh, V. H., & Morales, D. (2019). EMDR Group Treatment of Children Refugees—A Field Study. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 13(2), 143–155. https://doi.org/10.1891/1933-3196.13.2.143
EMDR Therapists
Content Type
Original Source
Journal of EMDR Practice and Research
Access Type
Open Access