EMDR in Psychoncology
This article looks at research on psychoncology (psycho-oncology), cancer as trauma, and EMDR therapy.
Article Abstract:
“Objective: The article describes the state of the research on psychoncology with a focus on EMDR approach to this area of expertise.
Method: Qualitative analysis of the existing literature.
Results: Epidemiological data, together with ACEs studies, and the research on the psychological effects of cancer highlight the relevance of a supportive and/or therapeutical intervention for oncological patients. The field of psychoncology is defined as understanding and treating the traumatic effects of the oncological disease, whose symptomatology can be consistent with a diagnosis of clinical, or subclinical, PTSD. Evidence-based psychotherapies for oncological patients are CBT and EMDR. Four experimental studies on EMDR in psychoncology (Faretta 2013, Capezzani et al. 2013, Jarero et al. 2015, Faretta et al. 2016) support the aptness of AIP model in the conceptualization of cancer as a highly specific, traumatic event.
Conclusions: The review of the existing literature points out the efficacy of trauma-focused treatments in psychoncology and suggests crucial preliminary cues on EMDR application, even though further researches are needed to validate these results.”
Article Access:
Open Access
Faretta, E. (2018). EMDR in Psychoncology. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 15(3), 170-185. Open access: https://www.clinicalneuropsychiatry.org/download/emdr-in-psychoncology/
April 19, 2018
Elisa Faretta
Cancer, Medical/Somatic
Practice & Methods
16 pages
COPYRIGHT © Giovanni Fioriti Editore s.r.l. The articles are Open Access. Distribution and reproduction are permitted in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
APA Citation
Faretta, E. (2018). EMDR in Psychoncology. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 15(3), 170-185. Open access: https://www.clinicalneuropsychiatry.org/download/emdr-in-psychoncology/
EMDR Therapists, Other Mental Health Professionals
Content Type
Article, Meta-analyses/Systematic Reviews, Peer-Reviewed
Access Type
External Resource, Open Access