EMDR: Promising treatment for co-occurring eating disorders and childhood sexual abuse
Study was to explore the use of EMDR with clients who have an eating disorder co-occurring with a history of childhood sexual abuse.
Thesis/Dissertation Abstract
“The purpose of this study was to explore the use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) with clients who have an eating disorder co-occurring with a history of childhood sexual abuse. Qualitative interviews were conducted with nine mental health clinicians who work primarily in the outpatient setting using EMDR with their clients. These audio-recorded interviews took place over a period of three weeks and the data were analyzed using grounded theory methodology. The most common themes that emerged were client-therapist relationship, stabilization of eating disorder,
chronology of treatment, grounding, and dissociation. Given the high co-occurrence of childhood sexual abuse and eating disorders, the serious and pernicious nature of eating disorders, and the growing body of research that points to EMDR as a highly successful method for treating a variety of conditions including trauma, it is important that research into the use of EMDR with this population be continued.”
—Description from publisher
Thesis/Dissertation Access
Open Access
Cameron, V. L. (2013). EMDR: Promising treatment for co-occurring eating disorders and childhood sexual abuse [Masters thesis, St. Catherine University]. Retrieved from https://cdm17519.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/msw/id/528/rec/1
May 1, 2013
Victoria L. Cameron
Abuse/Neglect, Childhood Trauma, Sexual Trauma
48 pages
St. Catherine University
APA Citation
Cameron, V. L. (2013). EMDR: Promising treatment for co-occurring eating disorders and childhood sexual abuse [Masters thesis, St. Catherine University]. Retrieved from https://cdm17519.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/msw/id/528/rec/1
EMDR Therapists, Other Mental Health Professionals
Content Type
Access Type
External Resource, Open Access