EMDR treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia: Case report
The aim of the following case to present how EMDR treatment was used to successfully address panic disorder with agoraphobia.
Article Abstract
“…The consequent habitual response patterns can manifest in characterological difficulties, psychopathology, and the avoidance behaviors associated with phobias and panic disorders (Shapiro 2001, 2002). EMDR s ability to access and target an etiological conditioning event is appreciated and it is also possible to address past, present, and future symptoms in the absence of a known etiological event. Thus, EMDR has the ability to address panic and phobia regardless of the method by which the symptoms, or fear, were acquired. Once the appropriate targets are chosen, the EMDR protocol addresses all experiential components (images, thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations) to stimulate the information processing system as explained by the AIP model (Shapiro 2001, 2002).”
—Description from publisher
Article Access
Open Access
Trlin, I., & Hasanovic, M. (2021). EMDR treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia: Case report. Psychiatria Danubina, 33(Suppl 1), 59-64. https://www.psychiatria-danubina.com/articles Retrieved from: https://www.psychiatria-danubina.com/UserDocsImages/pdf/dnb_vol33_sup1/dnb_vol33_sup1_59.pdf
January 1, 2021
Ivana Trlin, Mevludin Hasanoviü
6 pages
Psychiatria Danubina
© Medicinska naklada - Zagreb, Croatia
APA Citation
Trlin, I., & Hasanovic, M. (2021). EMDR treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia: Case report. Psychiatria Danubina, 33(Suppl 1), 59-64. https://www.psychiatria-danubina.com/articles Retrieved from: https://www.psychiatria-danubina.com/UserDocsImages/pdf/dnb_vol33_sup1/dnb_vol33_sup1_59.pdf
EMDR Therapists, Other Mental Health Professionals
Content Type
Article, Peer-Reviewed
Access Type
External Resource, Open Access