F-TEP: Fragmented traumatic episode protocol
This article by Tuly Flint and Yoni Elkins presents the F-TEP (fragmented traumatic episode) protocol for treating recent trauma at the acute stress reaction (ASR) stage.
See related article in the Group Therapy issue of the Go With That magazine.
Article Abstract
“This article presents a protocol for treating recent trauma at the acute stress reaction (ASR) stage when the event is still fresh and overwhelming, and the trauma survivor does not yet have a coherent narrative. This protocol is for treating those who have endured a traumatic episode from a few hours to a few days prior. It may also help patients who suffer from a “fragmented narrative” from earlier events. The protocol incorporates a procedure for building a coherent narrative of the trauma, enabling EMDR processing while utilizing the principals of the Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol (Shapiro & Laub, 2008, 2015). We present the theoretical background for the protocol, which integrates the narrative approach, the R-TEP protocol and the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) Model. A description of the protocol, its differences from the classic EMDR R-TEP, and case studies are presented.”
—Description from publisher
Article Access
Purchase/Subscription Required
Flint, T., & Elkins, Y. (2021). F-TEP: Fragmented traumatic episode protocol. Practice Innovations, 6(1), 17-29. https://doi.apa.org/doi/10.1037/pri0000135
About the Journal
“Practice Innovations serves practitioners by publishing clinical, practical, and research articles on current and evolving standards, practices, and methods in professional mental health practice. Designed as a cross-disciplinary publication with a multi-theoretical scope, the journal supports innovation and the highest standards of care in mental health practice. Coverage areas include population-based practice issues, procedure or technique-based practice issues, diagnosis-based practice issues, and service delivery models.”
—Description from publisher
March 1, 2021
Tuly Flint, Yoni Elkins
Practice & Methods
AIP, EMDR Early Intervention, Protocols
12 pages
American Psychological Association
Copyright © 2021, American Psychological Association
APA Citation
Flint, T., & Elkins, Y. (2021). F-TEP: Fragmented traumatic episode protocol. Practice Innovations, 6(1), 17-29. https://doi.apa.org/doi/10.1037/pri0000135
EMDRIA members, Other Mental Health Professionals
Content Type
Article, Peer-Reviewed
Access Type
External Resource