Implementation of EMDR(R) with cancer patients: Research
[Implementering van EMDR(R) met kankerpasiënte: navorsing]
Study on EMDR(R) for patients traumatised by a cancer diagnosis/treatment, as indicated by depression, anxiety, satisfaction with life, etc.
[Studie oor EMDR(R) vir pasiënte wat getraumatiseer is deur ‘n kankerdiagnose/-behandeling, soos aangedui deur depressie, angs, tevredenheid met die lewe, ens.]
Article Abstract
“Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR(R)), developed in 1987 and proved highly effective in treating psychological disturbances rooted in traumatic memories. It was hypothesised that EMDR(R) would enhance coping in patients traumatised by a cancer diagnosis and / or treatment, as indicated by their subjective responses and levels of depression, anxiety, satisfaction with life, positive-negative affect balance and sense of coherence. A descriptive multiple case-study method was implemented. Three cases were treated by EMDR(R) and three by a supportive method. Data collection was triangulised in terms of semi-structured interviews, quantitative measuring instruments and interviews by an external validator. Findings were consistently in favour of EMDR(R). The results confirmed EMDR(R)’s efficacy in terms of beneficial clinical outcomes on both objective and subjective measures of change.
Oogbeweging desensitisering en herprosessering (EMDR(R)) is sedert 1987 as hoogs effektief bewys in die behandeling van psigologiese versteurings gewortel in traumatiese herinneringe. Daar is gehipotetiseer dat EMDR(R) pasiente wat weens ‘n kankerdiagnose en / of -behandeling getraumatiseer is, kon help om dit te hanteer, soos aangedui deur hul subjektiewe ervaringe en vlakke van depressie, angstigheid, lewenstevredenheid, positief-negatiewe affek balans en koherensiesin. ‘n Beskrywende meervoudige gevallestudiemetode is geimplementeer. Drie gevalle is met EMDR(R) behandel en drie ander deur ‘n ondersteunende intervensie. Data-insameling is getrianguleer in terme van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, kwantitatiewe meetinstrumente en onderhoude deur ‘n eksterne valideerder. Bevindinge was deurgaans ten gunste van EMDR(R). Die resultate het EMDR(R) se effektiwiteit in terme van voordelige kliniese uitkomste op beide objektiewe en subjektiewe maatstawwe van verandering bevestig.”
—Description from publisher
Article Access
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Peters, E., Wissing, M. P., & De Plessis, W. F. (2002). Implementation of EMDR(R) with cancer patients: Research. Health SA Gesondheid, 7(2), 100-109.
June 1, 2002
Elzabe Peters, Marie P. Wissing, Wynand F. Du Plessis
Cancer, Medical/Somatic
10 pages
Copyright © 2002, AOSIS:All rights reserved
APA Citation
Peters, E., Wissing, M. P., & De Plessis, W. F. (2002). Implementation of EMDR(R) with cancer patients: Research. Health SA Gesondheid, 7(2), 100-109.
EMDR Therapists, Other Mental Health Professionals
Afrikaans, English
Content Type
Article, Peer-Reviewed
Access Type
External Resource