Cultural Competence and Healing Culturally Based Trauma With EMDR Therapy: Innovative Strategies and Protocols, 1st Edition
This book offers innovative protocols and strategies for treating socially based trauma within the EMDR model (newer edition available).
Book Description
“Underscoring the importance of cultural competence, this groundbreaking book focuses on using EMDR therapy with specific populations, particularly those groups typically stigmatized, oppressed, or otherwise marginalized in society. Drawing on social psychology research and theory as well as social justice and social work principles, it delivers general protocols for EMDR intervention for recovery from the internalized effects of cultural mistreatment. Employing best-practice methods for cultural competence as EMDR therapy is introduced to new cultures worldwide, the editor and esteemed EMDR clinician-authors relay their experiences, insights, guidance, and lessons learned through trial and error while adapting EMDR interventions for cross-cultural competency and therapeutic effectiveness
The text defines cultural competence and validates the need for a multi-culturally aware approach to psychotherapy that embraces authentic social identities and attends to the impact of socially based trauma. Chapters address using EMDR therapy to heal the trans-generational impact of Anti-Semitism, working with the LGBT population, treating an immigrant woman suffering from social anxiety, healing individuals with intellectual disabilities, the traumatizing effects of racial prejudice, harmful cultural messages about physical appearance, EMDR therapy attuned to specific cultural populations and socially based identities, and many other scenarios. The text is replete with step-by-step treatment guidelines to help clients recover from traumatic life events, dos and don’s, and common adaptive and maladaptive cultural beliefs.
Key Features:
- Defines cultural competence and validates the need for a multi-culturally aware approach to psychotherapy
- Offers innovative protocols and strategies for treating socially based trauma within the EMDR model
- Presents best practice methods for cultural competence
- Includes step-by-step treatment guidelines and dos and don’ts
- Written by highly esteemed EMDR clinician-authors”
—Description from publisher
Table of Contents
Section I: Components of an EMDR Therapy Approach to Cultural Competence
- Chapter 1: Cultural Competence and EMDR Therapy / Mark Nickerson
- Chapter 2: Integrating Cultural Concepts and Terminology Into the AIP Model and EMDR Approach / Mark Nickerson (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0002)
- Chapter 3: Healing Culturally Based Trauma and Exploring Social Identities With EMDR Therapy / Mark Nickerson (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0003)
- Chapter 4: Dismantling Prejudice and Exploring Social Privilege With EMDR Therapy / Mark Nickerson (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0004)
Section II: Strategies for Marginalized Cultures
- Chapter 5: An Integrative Approach to EMDR Therapy as an Antioppression Endeavor / Rajani Venkatraman Levis, Laura Siniego (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0005)
- Chapter 6: Placing Culture at the Heart of EMDR Therapy / Rajani Venkatraman Levis DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0006
- Chapter 7: Culturally Attuned EMDR Therapy With an Immigrant Woman Suffering From Social Anxiety / Barbara Lutz (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0007)
- Chapter 8: The EMDR Approach Used as a Tool to Provide Psychological Help to Refugees and Asylum Seekers / Paola Castelli Gattinara, Antonio Onofri, Cristina Angelini (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0008)
Section III: Innovative Protocols
- Chapter 9: Legacy Attuned EMDR Therapy: Toward a Coherent Narrative / Natalie S. Robinson (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0009)
- Chapter 10: EMDR in a Group Setting (GEMDR) / André Maurício Monteiro (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0010)
Section IV: Addressing Sexual/Affectional Orientation and Gender Diversity
- Chapter 11: EMDR Therapy as Affirmative Care for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Clients / Sand C. Chang (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0011)
- Chapter 12: EMDR Therapy With Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Clients / John M. O’Brien (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0012)
- Chapter 13: Sex Assignment, Gender Assignment, and Affectional Orientation: Applying Continua of Congruence to Dismantle Dichotomies / Earl Grey (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0013)
Section V: Specific Cultures and Social Stigma
- Chapter 14: The Transgenerational Impact of Anti-Semitism / Ruth Heber, Karen Alter-Reid (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0014)
- Chapter 15: Left Out and Left Behind: EMDR and the Cultural Construction of Intellectual Disability / Joseph C. Yaskin, Andrew J. Seubert (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0015)
- Chapter 16: “People Like Me Don’t Get Mentally Ill”: Social Identity Theory, EMDR, and the Uniformed Services / Liz Royle (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0016)
- Chapter 17: EMDR Therapy and the Recovery Community: Relational Imperatives in Treating Addiction / Jamie Marich (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0017)
- Chapter 18: EMDR With Issues of Appearance, Aging, and Class / Robin Shapiro (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0018)
Section VI: Global Frontiers of EMDR Intervention
- Chapter 19: Learning EMDR in Uganda: An Experiment in Cross-Cultural Collaboration / Rosemary Masters, Elizabeth McConnell, Josie Juhasz (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0019)
- Chapter 20: Teaching and Learning EMDR in Diverse Countries and Cultures: When to Start, What to Do, When to Leave / John Hartung (DOI: 10.1891/9780826142870.0020)
Concluding Comments
Book Access
Purchase/Subscription Required
Nickerson, M. (Ed.). (2016). Cultural Competence and Healing Culturally Based Trauma With EMDR Therapy: Innovative Strategies and Protocols, 1st edition. Springer Publishing Company.
- ISBN-10: 0826142869
ISBN-13: 978-0826142863
August 15, 2016
Mark Nickerson
Rajani Venkatraman Levis, Laura Siniego, Barbara Lutz, Paola Castelli Gattinara, Antonio Onofri, Cristina Angelini, Natalie S. Robinson, André Maurício Monteiro, Sand C. Chang, John M. O’Brien, Earl Grey, Ruth Heber, Karen Alter-Reid, Joseph C. Yaskin, Andrew J. Seubert, Liz Royle, Jamie Marich, Robin Shapiro, Rosemary Masters, Elizabeth McConnell, Josie Juhasz, John Hartung
368 pages
Springer Publishing Company
APA Citation
Nickerson, M. (Ed.). (2016). Cultural Competence and Healing Culturally Based Trauma With EMDR Therapy: Innovative Strategies and Protocols, 1st edition. Springer Publishing Company.
EMDR Therapists
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