Cultural Competence and Healing Culturally Based Trauma With EMDR Therapy, 2nd Edition
Tools for developing a culturally competent EMDR clinical practice and strategies for working with specific cultural populations.
Book Description
“Over twenty-five authors combine to address a diverse range of current and emerging topics. Ten new second edition chapters include a call for broader recognition of culturally based trauma and adversity within the trauma field, the core human need for connection and belonging, and strategies for clinician self-reflection in developing a culturally competent clinical practice that is multicultural inclusive, actively anti-oppressive, and grounded in cultural humility. Other new chapters offer considerations in working with Black, American Indian, Asian-American, and Latinx clients; immigration challenges; and social class identity.
Overall, this book provides graspable conceptual frameworks, useful language and terminology, in-depth knowledge about specific cultural populations, clinical examples, practical intervention protocols and strategies, research citations, and additional references. This text speaks not only to EMDR practitioners but has been recognized as a groundbreaking work for therapists in clinical practice.
Key Features:
- Twenty-eight contributing authors with diverse professional and lived experiences
- Best-practice methods for cultural competence integrated into EMDR therapy
- Culturally attuned clinical assessment and case formulation
- Innovative protocols and strategies for treating socially based trauma and adversity
- Enriches the adaptive information processing model with research-based knowledge of social information processing
- Specific chapters devoted to LGBTQIA+ issues and transgenerational cultural trauma including antisemitism
- Strategies and a protocol for dismantling social prejudice and discrimination
- Combines conceptual theory with practical application examples and methods”
—Description from publisher
Table of Contents
Section I: Enhancing Cultural Competence and Addressing Culturally Based Trauma and Adversity in EMDR Therapy
- Chapter 1: Cultural Competence and EMDR Therapy Free
- Chapter 2: Connection and Belonging: A Core Human Need—Implications Within EMDR Therapy
- Chapter 3: Culturally Based Trauma and Adversity: Recognition, Definition, and Implications
- Chapter 4: The Work Starts with us: Personal Reflection, Assessing your Practice, and Setting Goals
- Chapter 5: Opening the Door: Exploring Social and Cultural Experiences and Building Resources—EMDR Phases 1 and 2
- Chapter 6: Healing and Resilience Building with EMDR Reprocessing: Target Selection and EMDR Phases 3 to 6
- Chapter 7: Dismantling Prejudice with EMDR Therapy
Section II: Multicultural, Intersectional, and Antiracist Approaches to Psychotherapy
- Chapter 8: Strategies for Implementation of an Anti-Oppressive, Antiracist, Intersectional Lens in EMDR Therapy with Black Clients
- Chapter 9: EMDR Therapy and Consultation with an Intercultural Approach
Section III: Race, Ethnicity, and Social Class
- Chapter 10: Culturally Informed Recommendations for EMDR Therapy with American Indians
- Chapter 11: Considerations when Working with Asian Americans in EMDR Therapy
- Chapter 12: Cultural And Treatment Considerations When Using EMDR Therapy With Latinx Clients
- Chapter 13: The Transgenerational Impact of Anti-Semitism
- Chapter 14: Social Class as Cultural Identity and its Unique Contributions in EMDR Intervention
Section IV: Immigration, Refugee/Asylum Seekers, and Acculturation
- Chapter 15: Clinical Considerations When Treating Immigration-Based Trauma Within Latinx Clients Using EMDR Therapy
- Chapter 16: Culturally Attuned EMDR Therapy with an Immigrant Woman Suffering from Social Anxiety
- Chapter 17: The EMDR Approach Used as a Tool to Provide Psychological Help to Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Section V: LGBTQ Issues: Sex, Gender, and Affectional Orientations
- Chapter 18: EMDR Therapy as Affirmative Care for Transgender and Nonbinary Clients
- Chapter 19: EMDR Therapy With Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Clients
- Chapter 20: Sex, Gender, and Affectional Identities and Intersectionality: Expanding Application of Gender Diversity
Section VI: Specific Cultures and Social Stigma
- Chapter 21: Left Out and Left Behind: EMDR and the Cultural Construction of Intellectual Disability
- Chapter 22: “People Like Me Don’t Get Mentally Ill”: Social Identity Theory, EMDR, and the Uniformed Services
- Chapter 23: EMDR With Issues of Appearance, Aging, and Class
Section VII: Innovative EMDR Protocols
- Chapter 24: Legacy Attuned EMDR Therapy: Toward a Coherent Narrative and Resilience
- Chapter 25: EMDR in a Group Setting (GEMDR)
Section VIII: Global Frontiers of EMDR Intervention
- Chapter 26: Learning EMDR in Uganda: An Experiment in Cross-Cultural Collaboration
- Chapter 27: EMDR Therapy in Diverse Cultural Contexts
Book Access
Purchase/Subscription Required
Nickerson, M. (Ed.). (2022). Cultural Competence and Healing Culturally Based Trauma With EMDR Therapy, 2nd edition. Springer Publishing Company.
September 1, 2022
Mark Nickerson
Karen Alter-Reid, Cristina Angelini, Wendy Ashley, Paola Castelli Gattinara, Sand C. Chang, Jeff DiNardo, Earl Grey, John Hartung, Ruth Heber, Josie Juhasz, Cheryl Kenn, Allen E. Lipscomb, Barbara Lutz, Rosemary Masters, Elizabeth McConnell, André Maurício Monteiro, John M. O’Brien, Antonio Onofri, Cecilia C. Penailillo, Natalie S. Robinson, Liz Royle, Jordanna L. Saunders, Andrew J. Seubert, Robin Shapiro, Viviana Triana, Viviana Urdaneta, Joseph C. Yaskin
Client Population
Immigrants/Refugees, LGBTQIA+, Racial/Cultural/Ethnic Groups
Practice & Methods
DEI/IDEA, Protocols
437 pages
Copyright © 2023 Springer Publishing Company, LLC. All rights reserved.
APA Citation
Nickerson, M. (Ed.). (2022). Cultural Competence and Healing Culturally Based Trauma With EMDR Therapy, 2nd edition. Springer Publishing Company.
EMDR Therapists, Other Mental Health Professionals
Content Type
Access Type
External Resource, Paid Access