Tips for Maintaining the Therapeutic Relationship in Online EMDR Therapy
Explore essential tips for maintaining a strong therapeutic relationship in online EMDR therapy. Discover strategies for building trust, ensuring safety, normalizing client stress, and fostering effective communication to enhance the online therapeutic experience. Empower your clients and strengthen their journey to healing with these practical insights.
A version of this graphic originally appeared in the Summer 2020 issue, Going Virtual, of Go With That Magazine™.
Tips for Maintaining the Therapeutic Relationship in Online EMDR Therapy
Therapeutic Alliance
- Built on hope, empathy and trust
- Collaboration on goals and needs
- Mutual understanding and flexibility
- Genuine curiosity and respect
Communicate Logistics
- Informed consent is key
- Prepare a plan for ‘what if’ the connection drops
- Ensure client feels they have a safe and private spot for therapy
- Address how the addition of a screen can affect the relationship
Ease Into Online Therapy
- Allow time for trust to build in ‘new’ environment
- Consider extra time in Phase 2 preparation to facilitate secure relationship
- Review resourcing and safe place exercises to aid client in adjustment
Normalize Stress
- Creating new routines can cause anxiety, discomfort
- Anxiety is the body’s way of trying to protect itself
- Work with the brain and body to bring the stress response down
- Use grounding techniques
Establish Safety
- Give tips to help client create safe therapy place
- Suggest having a favorite drink or comfortable seat for session
- Use voice, eye contact, and presence to create a calming environment
Assess Before Reprocessing
- Assess appropriateness of client for reprocessing
- Explore client’s preferred method of BLS/DAS in online setting
- Prepare a plan for ‘what if’ the connection drops during reprocessing
- Consider beginning with stabilization before accessing past memory networks
- Discuss ways for client to feel safe after session
- Ask if client is prepared to reconnect with day to day life
- Suggest client have a routine to transition back to normal life
Continue to Evaluate
- Check in with the client on ways to improve experience
- Ask client what they like or dislike about online therapy
Instill Hope
- Let the client know you truly care about the work you do together:
- “Trust the process.”
- “You can get better.”
- “We are in this together.”
June 1, 2020
Practice & Methods
8 Phases
1 page
EMDR International Association
© 2020 EMDR International Association
APA Citation
EMDRIA. (2020). Tips for Maintaining the Therapeutic Relationship in Online EMDR Therapy. Infographic. Go With That Magazine, Summer 2020.
EMDR Therapists
Content Type
Original Source
EMDRIA Toolkits/Practice Resources
Access Type
Open Access